VOI fesch Art Prize: More Gondolas In The Mountains Are Magically Embellished

There is the 5th VOI fesch art prize, the successful gondola art prize in Tyrol is entering a second round. Together with Ötztal Gurgl, VOI fesch is making even more gondolas on the Rosskarbahn colorful with works of art by people with disabilities. The theme this time: Magic of the Mountains! Artists with disabilities can submit their works until October 10, 2024. The final will take place in March 2025 in Gurgl.
For more than eight years, VOI fesch has been known for making the talents of people with disabilities visible through art. This year, the social business has repositioned itself and, as an inclusion agency, offers services specifically for companies. The goal has remained the same: to make inclusion visible, understandable and tangible. The successful VOI fesch art prize will continue to be organized together with corporate partners.
More visibility for talent
Original ideas and projects open up a way for companies in particular to get involved in the topic of inclusion and to campaign for it. The VOI fesch art prize is drawing even more attention to the topic. "Our focus in our actions is clear: we want to show people with their abilities. That should always be the case, regardless of whether a person has a disability or not," agree the two managing directors, Elisabeth Rapp and Helmuth Stöber of VOI fesch. Stöber adds, "Unfortunately, there are still many barriers and reservations about many things that are unknown or often invisible. People with disabilities are still not visible enough in society." With partners like Ötztal Gurgl at your side and with concentrated energy, even more can be achieved.
Cooperation and joint action advances the inclusion of people with disabilities. Dominic Kuen, Destination Manager of Ötztal Tourismus is a committed partner of VOI fesch: "My team and I believe that promoting inclusion makes such an enormous contribution to our society, which is why we are repeating the art award in Gurgl. There are still a few gondolas in Tyrol that want to be colorful and send a strong signal to the outside world."
Art, magic and inclusion
Artists with disabilities can submit their works on the theme of "Magic of the Mountains" until October 10th via the website www.voifesch.com/kunstpreis. The art prize is known beyond Austria's borders and brings people together. "We receive so many unique works. In recent years there have even been submissions from Germany. We have been working with one artist since then. It is enriching and exciting how paths cross and collaborations develop," says Elisabeth Rapp, responsible for communications at VOI fesch. After all submissions, six jury members from the art and culture sector decide on the rankings of the top 30: artist Matthias Widmeyr, artist Hannah Scheiber and Nina Katschnig, curator of the Gugging Gallery, the curator of the Albertina Vienna Elsy Lahner, Katrin Bucher Trantow, chief curator at the Kunsthaus Graz and Tanja Skorepa, art consultant and curator. After a public vote in December, the top 15 will be honored at an awards ceremony in Gurgl in March 2025. The first three places and the audience winner will also receive prize money. Dominic Kuen has particularly fond memories of the final: "It was a beautiful event, with so much warmth and the joy of the artists is priceless." It is precisely the awards ceremony that creates valuable encounters between people.
More partners for inclusion
In addition to co-initiator Ötztal Gurgl, there are already other partners who support the VOI fesch art prize as sponsors. Interested supporters can contact VOI fesch to beautify even more gondolas with motifs from the submission. Werner Hanselitsch, managing director of the Obergurgl lift company and long-standing partner of VOI fesch, confirms the initiative: "We have people here who can draw well, who have a lot of handicrafts, who can do an incredible amount. Everyone help a little to make the world more colorful and, above all, to understand that as people we are all the same and yet all different." Together with VOI fesch, he would like to motivate Tyrolean companies in particular to contact VOI fesch in order to make inclusion visible, understandable and tangible in the region and adds: "We are looking forward to many, many submissions. And also to an even more colorful ski area here in Tyrol."
The path to the VOI fesch inclusion agency
Helmuth Stöber founded VOI fesch more than eight years ago. The many experiences have shown what can be made possible when working together on the important topic of inclusion.
"We are looking to the future. We see clearly what we can achieve, especially together with organizations. Last year, that led to a slight reorganization of VOI fesch," says Stöber, explaining the changes at VOI fesch. "Elisabeth Rapp joined the social enterprise in April 2024. She has been there since it was founded and is now running VOI fesch together with me, with immediate effect as an inclusion agency. Elisabeth brings her expertise from both the communications and inclusion sectors." Rapp adds, "We are the first port of call when companies want to implement original ideas for more inclusion. Christmas presents or gifts for employees are always in demand. Why not do something different? Inclusive and colorful with VOI fesch products. Companies can contact us. We find an original way to raise awareness of the issue of inclusion, to break down barriers and to show the strengths of people with disabilities." The inclusion agency's website www.voifesch.com is also brand new and barrier-free, tailored to the new offerings.
About VOI fesch - the inclusion agency
VOI fesch uses art to make the talents of people with disabilities visible. If companies want to implement original ideas for more inclusion, the social enterprise offers a variety of options: individual gift items, original designs, support for inclusive events or advice for effective projects. VOI fesch is committed to a society in which differences and diversity are a matter of course and enrich our world: highlighting strengths, raising awareness and breaking down barriers.