Utah Democrats Nominate Ski Mountaineer Caroline Gleich For Mitt Romney's Senate Seat

Caroline Gleich, a name synonymous with daring descents and environmental advocacy, is now tackling a new challenge: the U.S. Senate. The decorated professional skier and mountaineer announced her candidacy earlier this year, hoping to leverage her platform to fight for climate action and social justice.

Gleich's accomplishments in the world of extreme sports are undeniable. She's graced the covers of major ski magazines, summited Everest, and become the first woman to conquer all the lines in Utah's Wasatch "Chuting Gallery." But her passion extends far beyond the slopes.

Gleich said “I am honored to officially accept the Democratic nomination to be Utah’s next Senator. We’re running a historically strong campaign focused on our families, our freedom, and our future. As your nominee, I’m excited to take our message directly to Utahns as we move into the general election. As a ski mountaineer who has climbed the highest mountains in the world against all odds, I’m no stranger to a tough challenge and am ready to take this campaign to the summit in November. I’m asking Utahns who are looking for a different kind of leader in Washington to join me.”

Gleich posted on her Instagram page.“I’ve been an underdog my whole life with skeptics questioning my height, strength, and bravery for scaling the world’s tallest mountains. Yet, I’ve summited Everest and Cho Oyu. I’ve broken records and defied limits. Running for the United States Senate to represent the people of Utah is undoubtedly an uphill climb, but I’m no stranger to overcoming challenges.” 

“As I start this climb towards the U.S. Senate, I carry with me the lessons learned from reaching mountain peaks and navigating life’s terrain, My commitment is unwavering—to empower, to protect, and to advocate for a brighter future.”

“When we talk about big, ambitious environmental goals like saving our Great Salt Lake, people are going to say it’s impossible, and we can’t listen to what anyone else says that we’re capable of,” Gleich said.

“How cool would it be to build an electric, bullet-speed nationwide passenger railway system to revitalize our public transportation and make it affordable and accessible for all Americans? To reach our climate goals, we need to invest in more public transportation that’s fast, efficient, and affordable.

It’s what I will work for in the United States Senate.”

Gleich has emerged as a vocal advocate for environmental causes. She champions policies like the American Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act and isn't afraid to speak truth to power, even testifying before Congress. Her activism extends to social justice issues as well, with Gleich calling out efforts to restrict individual freedoms.

Gleich's Senate run has garnered significant interest. The Democratic candidate is hoping to appeal to Utah's growing population of environmentally conscious voters. Her campaign website, https://www.carolineforutah.com/, highlights her commitment to both environmental and social progress.

Whether Gleich can translate her athletic and activist achievements into political success remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: this is a candidate who isn't afraid to push boundaries, both on the mountain and in the halls of power.

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