Thirty-One New Apprentices Start Their Professional Career At Doppelmayr

Thirty-one young people have begun their careers at Doppelmayr in Wolfurt. They have chosen one of six skilled trades at the Austrian ropeway manufacturer in the province of Vorarlberg and will work on exciting projects all over the world. The first few days were all about getting to know each other before starting work in the training workshop.

Doppelmayr has a long tradition of apprentice training. Currently, a total of 106 apprentices are trained in six different skilled trades at the company location in Wolfurt. On September 1, 2023, thirty-one young people started their carreer at Doppelmayr. During their apprenticeship, they learn the skills they require as specialists in ropeway construction. “During the career days and at various apprenticeship fairs we got to know a lot of interesting young people. We are very pleased that thirty-one of them have decided to do their apprenticeship with Doppelmayr”, says Richard Kohler, Head of Training at Doppelmayr.

Start off with welcome days

The new first-year apprentices had an exciting start into their apprenticeship with Doppelmayr, then on the first two days the focus was on getting to know each other. Day 1 started with a ropeway ride giving them a little foretaste of the product they will be working on in the upcoming years of their training. A great breakfast at the Hochjoch offered the ideal opportunity to converse with the other apprentices and the trainers. This year, the parents of the apprentices were also invited to the trip to the Silvretta Montafon ski resort. In doing so, they also gained interesting insights, got to know the apprentice trainers and accompanied their children when they made their first steps in professional life. On the second day, the young people could look forward to an action-packed programme on the Golm mountain.

Diversified period of apprenticeship

At Doppelmayr, in addition to an exciting work environment, numerous benefits and a convivial atmosphere await the apprentices. Gerhard Gassner, CEO, describes apprentice training at Doppelmayr from multiple perspectives: “We attach great importance to balanced apprenticeship training. Since we need qualified specialists with excellent skills for our ropeways, we have state-of-the-art workplaces and machines where the apprentices can develop and expand their skills. Numerous benefits such as free public transport tickets and lunch allowance provide financial relief to the young people. And the social aspect must not be missed out on, either − that’s why time and again there are various events such as the annual barbecue, the ski day or exchange with other apprentices from the Group companies”.

Apprenticeship in electronic and metal professions

At Doppelmayr, young people can choose from six apprenticeships with a focus on electrical engineering and metalworking. The ropeway manufacturing company also offers apprenticeship training in information technology. Three of the new apprentices start their training in a higher year of apprenticeship due to corresponding skills they have gathered in their previous career.

Unlimited career opportunities

With an apprenticeship with Doppelmayr, all doors are open to a diversified professional career. About 150 of the current employees throughout the company started their career with an apprenticeship with Doppelmayr. Adequately, apprentice training at Doppelmayr runs under the slogan ‘No Limits’.

Next opportunity in 2024

Doppelmayr is going to recruit new apprentices also next year. The career days offer an ideal opportunity to get to know the company, the apprentice trainers and the future workplace.

All related information is available on the Doppelmayr apprentice website

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