Telluride Ski Resort Announces 2019-20 Season Dates

With the Summer winding down and attentions turning to snow, Telluride Ski & Golf Resort is looking forward to the winter season. The 2019/2020 season kicks off with Donation Day on November 27th, 2019 with Opening Day scheduled for Thursday, November 28, 2019 and Closing Day is set for Sunday, April 5, 2020.
“Next season’s operating dates are based on our historical pattern: opening on Thanksgiving Day and closing on the first Sunday in April,” said Bill Jensen, CEO of Telluride Ski Resort.
The 2019/2020 ski season in Telluride will be marked by a continued growth of flights to the Montrose-Telluride Regional Airport from major U.S. destination markets. Early season guests will benefit from continued added service on American Airlines from Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and United’s year-round service from major markets to Montrose-Telluride (MTJ). United’s airline partner, Denver Air Connection, also offers year-round service from Denver to Telluride (TEX). The full schedule of winter flights will be announced later this summer. Visit for full details.
Telluride’s lodging properties are accepting reservations for the winter and guests are encouraged to book early as availability during the high seasons fills very quickly. Rates for season passes, lift tickets, ski and snowboard lessons will be released later this summer. Sign up for the Telluride Ski & Golf Resort Newsletter to receive a notification as products and pricing are released.
Visit the Telluride Ski & Golf Resort’s events page for a complete calendar of events and activities in Telluride. To book your trip to Telluride, visit the