TechnoAlpin - Saving Water When Snowmaking

TechnoAlpin published its first sustainability report in early November. It sets out six material issues that underpin its sustainability strategy up to 2025. Careful use of water is a particularly sensitive topic covered. TechnoAlpin is aware of its responsibilities and has implemented numerous measures to use water carefully and sparingly.
An important thing to note is that no water is wasted or polluted during technical snowmaking. Uncontaminated snow returns to the cycle after melting and evaporating. So regardless of whether snow falls from the sky or is produced technically, it consists exclusively of water and air.
Technology leader TechnoAlpin’s aim is to make snow predictable and to produce it under conditions that are as resource-saving as possible. Water is therefore a necessary prerequisite and is provided subject to strict approvals and consideration for the local water balance. Establishing near-natural reservoirs can have a positive effect on how we use water, saving resources and focusing on cyclical use, which saves water during periods of higher outflow. As a result, large quantities of water can be made immediately available. Cold temperature windows can be used as effectively as possible, which also increases system efficiency. Reservoirs can also be used to intercept peak outflows from snow melt and rainfall, preventing flood damage.
The snow gun’s innovative solutions, such as new valve technology, ensure that not a single drop of water is wasted. A system with 300 lances can therefore save an average of 100,000 liters of water per season. The oil-free compressor has been in use since the 90s to make sure that not one single drop of oil ends up in the environment as a result of TechnoAlpin’s snow guns.
High-quality components used to construct the systems as well as permanent monitoring prevent water loss caused by leaks. Multi-use concepts for fire safety or as small power plants reduce the effect of building developments on nature.
In addition to ingenious technical solutions, the TechnoAlpin Academy also provides training and creates awareness of how to use valuable water resources carefully. Comprehensive data analysis helps to create the right quantity and quality of snow, so that not one flake too many is produced. This topic will be covered in more detail in future both in the Academy and during customer conversations.
The amount of water needed directly at TechnoAlpin’s sites was analyzed over the past few years and has been reduced as much as possible. For example, water used to carry out functional checks on snow guns is collected and re-used. For 2025, the company has set the goal of optimizing their supply chain by expanding their ecological and social selectivity criteria.
As a long-term goal, best practices will be developed and disseminated for the circular and shared use of water.