Sweet Protection Amplifies Marketing Program For Fall 2018, Introduces New Assets Alongside New Helmets

A new logo, updated photography and a Tech Talk video series will kick off Sweet’s new look and feel
The Norwegian-based Sweet Protection, designers of cutting edge whitewater, snowsports, and mountain bike helmets, is updating and amplifying their marketing efforts for fall 2018. With a revitalized logo, new “Our Best Helmet. Yet.” tagline, updated imagery, and a new “Tech Talk” video series, Sweet will be introducing their newest marketing efforts alongside their new for winter 2018/19 product.
“As Sweet Protection continues to grow worldwide, we are making a concerted effort to better connect with our loyal customers,” says Christian Erga, Head of Marketing with Sweet Protection. “Our new marketing program will help to more fully portray Sweet Protection’s values and give people better insight into the engineering and rigorous testing that our products go through. We look forward to unveiling our new look and feel to the public.”
The new Sweet Protection logo takes cues from their current logo, featuring a sharper more defined look. The logo will appear across all Sweet products, properties and collateral starting in fall 2018.
The updated logo will be accompanied by a new tagline: “Our Safest Helmet. Yet.” This tagline is intended to convey Sweet’s relentless pursuit of safety and performance. As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussion and head injury, Sweet wants customers to understand their commitment to staying current with the latest science and updating their designs accordingly.
To help spread the word about Sweet’s latest initiatives, design advancements and products, the brand will be introducing a new “Tech Talk” video series, staring Sweet co-founder and design manager Ståle Møller. Tech Talk will focus on explaining the ins-and-outs of helmet safety with informative videos highlighting topics such as MIPS technology, helmet testing standards, crash replacement and others. The series is meant to shed some light on Sweet’s complex design process and rigorous product testing in the pursuit of the safest helmet possible. The series, which will launch on YouTube, will give customers a deeper understanding of Sweet’s products, as well as the brand itself.
Updated photography will give the brand a fresh, updated look on Sweet’s packaging, collateral, website and social channels. Photos will focus more on the product and the people with bolder colors to help catch the eye and tell the Sweet story.
For an early look at Sweet’s updated marketing, drop by their booth at the Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show, January 25-28 in Denver, Colo. For more information on Sweet Protection, visit sweetprotection.com.
Based out of the small village of Trysil, in the midst of the Norwegian wilderness and close to the mountains, the Sweet Protection crew has been developing helmets, protection gear and technical clothing since 2000. The multi-award winning team of designers, skilled technicians and amazing team of riders have pushed the envelope of what’s possible with functional equipment.