SuuntoPlus Guides Offer Real-Time Guidance On Suunto GPS Watches

Whether you follow a training program, structured intervals or race nutrition plan, SuuntoPlus Guides could help. Fourteen companies have built their features into all Suunto 9, 5 and 3 watches.

A key benefit is the auto-sync of structured workouts and interval sessions from training and coaching platforms. Once a person’s coach has planned a session with them or performed it themself, the workout syncs to the watch automatically for real-time guidance. In addition to training, SuuntoPlus Guides help users with nutrition plans to information about race routes on race day. 

Partnering companies can build features cost-effectively and quickly in Suunto’s wearable devices.

“The content from our partner services is pushed to Suunto’s cloud API and automatically synced to the user’s Suunto watch to be enjoyed during sports. This structured content defines in a simple manner what information is shown, when it is delivered and how it is displayed. Suunto converts this content into a feature available during the workout. This model allows these apps to seamlessly push the guidance, motivations, tips, and tricks into our watches,” said Janne Kallio, Suunto ecosystem lead. “We are excited about the truly positive feedback that we have received from our partners about this new technology.”

“SuuntoPlus Guides is a huge step forward for software companies such as AI Endurance to connect with their users without engineering our wearable solutions. The implementation possibilities are endless, and Suunto provided valuable assistance to help us finish the development in no time. One example of how we use the Suunto Guides creatively is ramp tests to determine an athlete’s exercise thresholds via heart rate variability data,” said Markus Rummel from AI Endurance.

“Our service provides an adaptative training plan to runners. Exporting the planned workouts to Suunto watches makes life easier for our users; they save time and are sure to do the correct workout. As soon as we learned that Suunto would offer this possibility, we started to develop the feature, and it was quite fast to do it thanks to the Suunto team’s support,” said Guillaume Adam, co-founder of RunMotion Coach.

“The GoJoe app transforms boring solo exercise into something social and motivational by connecting your Suunto watch with the global community of ordinary joes and giving you fun and meaningful updates while you exercise,” said GoJoe co-founder Will Turner.

The fourteen companies participating with Suunto are:

  • TrainingPeaks
  • Nolïo
  • Ultra Trail Coaching
  • Human
  • RunMotion Coach
  • AI Endurance
  • Reddiyo
  • LikeS
  • Gretel
  • I-Run Club
  • GoJoe
  • Golden Trail Series Race Guides + Suunto’s workout guides

For more information, go here

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