Suspended In Space - Witness Yukon Territory's Northern Charm

“Suspended in Space” is a six-minute short film created to advocate the northern charm of the Yukon Territory. The film stars female pro skiers Kajsa Larsson and Celeste Pomerantz entranced in time, as the frozen winterscape awakens their souls.

SUSPENDED IN SPACE from Cameron Thuman on Vimeo.

From action-packed helicopter skiing and traditional dog mushing to jaw-dropping mountain landscapes, “Suspended in Space” packs visuals for all audiences to enjoy

Behind the scenes… “Suspended in Space” world premiered at Whistler Film Festival to a sold-out screening and recently premiered online with Teton Gravity Research, ahead of an international festival schedule. The film is directed by two-time Cannes YDA nominee Cameron Thuman and produced by NativeFour, a team known for their yearly winter films that redefine the snow-to-human connection.

This is the first time the Yukon Territory has been captured in this surrealistic style. The destination remains unknown to most travelers, yet its northern charm is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

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