Sugarbush Welcomes Five New Inductees To Wall Of Fame On March 30th

Sugarbush Resort is inducting five new members to its Wall of Fame this year. Similar to a Hall of Fame, Sugarbush’s Wall of Fame seeks to recognize some of the most significant contributors to the Sugarbush experience from 1958 to present. The Sugarbush Wall of Fame was established in 2019 as part of the resort’s 60th Anniversary Celebration.
The Sugarbush Wall of Fame recognition is awarded annually to those who have made a significant contribution to “cultivating a spirit of lifelong adventure and camaraderie among Sugarbush staff, guests, and the community.”
Wall of Fame inductees are selected by the Wall of Fame Review Committee and the 2023 class includes: Bill and Mary Bozack, Arthur Williams, and Harry Hutchison. Walt Elliot will also be inducted into the Wall of Fame in The Founders category alongside previously inducted members responsible for founding Sugarbush.
Bill and Mary Bozack both served as longtime ski patrollers, first at Glen Ellen and then later Sugarbush after Glen Ellen was acquired. Bill served first as Patrol Director and later as Mountain Manager. During his time at Sugarbush Bill was chosen as Outstanding Pro Patroller twice by the National Ski Patrol (NSP), served on the NSP Board of Directors three times, and expanded the new certification program for both paid and volunteer patrollers across the nation (Bill is certified #1). Mary achieved the highest NSP ranking (certified #26) and became the first female member of PSPA-East in 1973. She also held many committee positions with the NSP including Assistant Division Director for Eastern Division, Eastern Division Ski & Toboggan Advisor, and Regional Junior Patrol Advisor. Mary and Bill later went on to work for MountainGuard Insurance Program, where they continue to work as independent contractors. Mary received the Safety Impact Award from NSAA, and alongside Bill has also been honored with the Pioneer Award from the Intermountain Ski Areas Association.
One of the original investors of Sugarbush, Arthur Williams moved to the Mad River Valley in 1958 with his family, teaching in the one-room schoolhouses in Fayston and Moretown. Arthur then went on to serve three terms in the Vermont Legislator as a representative for Fayston. He founded The Friends of the Vermont State House, The Community Fund, and also served as Director of the Vermont Council of the Arts. Arthur was both an avid polo player and skier and could be found most winter days taking runs and enjoying a cup of coffee in the lodge.
Harry Hutchison discovered the Mad River Valley through his and his wife Geri’s travel vacation business in New York City, helping organize numerous trips for guests to Sugarbush, their favorite mountain resort. Eventually, the two moved to Vermont and Harry began his career at Sugarbush in 2003 as a Guest Services Representative. He eventually went on to manage the Guest Service Department for thirteen years overseeing Sugarbush Ambassadors and all things guest service. His philosophy was to be hands on, smile, and treat every guest as he would have liked to be treated. Upon retiring, Harry returned to Sugarbush in several other roles including as a Sugarbush Ambassador, and then later as a snowshoe guide and landscaper, both of which he still does to this day.
Walt Elliot founded Glen Ellen in 1963. Neighbors to nearby Sugarbush, he focused on juxtaposing Sugarbush’s Mascara Mountain vibe with a more family-oriented resort. Walt started a number of events and traditions that continue to this day including pond skimming, cowbell champagne parties, and gelandesprung. He was also a big proponent of ski racing, with Glen Ellen becoming one of the first eastern resorts to adopt NASTAR ski racing, as well as host the USSA National Championships. Walt owned and operated Glen Ellen for a decade before it was eventually acquired by Sugarbush in 1979.
The Wall of Fame Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, March 30th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in Gate House Lodge, and is free and open to the public. Those selected for the Sugarbush Wall of Fame will be commemorated permanently on the Wall of Fame in Gate House Lodge, designed by Sparky Potter and Wood & Wood.