Steinplatte Ski Area To Be Transparent On Climate And Ecological Balance

Steinplatte ski area: Transparent climate and ecological balance!
As (presumably) the first ski area in the German-speaking region, the Steinplatte ski area in the border area of Tyrol-Salzburg-Bavaria has decided to disclose a transparent preliminary balance:
- How have snow and temperatures changed so far due to climate change?
- What are the scientific scenarios until 2050?
- How much energy goes into technical snowmaking and what is its CO2 footprint?
- How much water is used during snowmaking and what is the relationship between this amount and annual precipitation?
- How does snowmaking affect the flora and fauna of the ski areas?
- What happens to the ski areas in summer and how are they managed outside of ski operations?
- What is the Steinplatte ski area doing for the energy and transport transition?
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