South Tyrolean Environmental And Alpine Associations Say “Enough Slopes At Kronplatz”

AVS, CAI Alto Adige, umbrella organization for nature and environmental protection, Heimatpflegeverband, Mountainwilderness, Protect our Winters are objecting to developments at Kronplatz. They say:
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the planned project to renew the "Kronplatz 1+2" lifts, including a new slope in the Kronplatz ski area, is currently on the agenda of the responsible regional authorities. The environmental and alpine associations agree: the existing slopes at Kronplatz must be sufficient. The planned large-scale deforestation clearly contradicts the objectives of the climate plan.
The submitted EIA project by Kronplatz Seilbahn GmbH envisages replacing the existing feeder cable car (8-seater cable car) on the Bruneck side from Reischach to the summit with a new 10-seater cable car and relocating the middle station. In addition, a new valley run "Kronplatz 1+2" is to be built to Reischach and several piste sections are to be widened: a total of 11.82 hectares of new pistes. For this, 15.30 hectares of forest would have to be cleared - the equivalent of 21 football fields. In addition, according to the project, earth movements of around 96,500 m³ would be necessary, as well as the construction of a snowmaking system with around 6 km of pipes and 71 snow cannons.
The construction of a new reservoir for artificial snowmaking with a capacity of 100,000-120,000 m³ is also planned on the Olang side, which will require an additional four hectares of forest area. The strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for this is currently underway.
Alpine and environmental associations issued critical statements on both projects.
The South Tyrol Climate Plan 2040, with which the regional government has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2040, envisages a reduction in fossil energy consumption in the tourism sector by 40% by 2030. This also includes the introduction of an energy audit for all lifts and the infrastructure of the ski areas. In addition, the proposal of the Stakeholder Forum for Climate 2024 to also include other negative impacts such as water consumption and soil sealing should be taken into account.
The Alpine and environmental associations do not accept the frequently expressed opinion that the Kronplatz is already a "lost mountain". Despite the extensive development, there are still ecologically intact areas on the Kronplatz that fulfill an important function for biodiversity, wildlife and the water balance. In addition, from the perspective of the Alpine and environmental associations, the possible environmental impacts of the submitted projects were only inadequately investigated and the proposed ecological compensation measures are unsuitable and inadequate.
The landscape aspect is also important. The European Landscape Convention, ratified by Italy in 2006, states that the landscape fulfils important cultural, ecological, environmental and social functions and is a resource for economic activity. The new ski slope and the new reservoir would have a significant impact on the landscape, so projects of this magnitude should be discussed in a participatory process with the local population.
A holistic assessment of all construction projects, the impact on the landscape and the consumption of resources is clearly negative.
The renovation of the “Kronplatz 1+2” lifts is certainly necessary, but a new extension of the slopes should be rejected in principle.