SNOW.KIDS.SUMMIT. To Deal With Question Of Young People On The Mountain And In The Snow

The SNOW.KIDS.SUMMIT.2025 deals with the future-oriented question of young people on the mountain and in the snow!

The SKS shows what committed initiatives and solutions there are in the Alpine region, and what developments we can expect in the future in our main markets and at home. The question of alpine young talent is of concern to sports and ski associations and all those directly involved in winter sports, such as ski schools, rental companies, etc., as well as to tourism as a whole. If there are no regional and international young talents for snow sports, alpine winter tourism will have a massive problem! On the one hand, the question is: what can each institution, each of us, do to make it easier and more accessible for our kids to access the alpine "snow world"? On the other hand, networking is needed in order to awaken the desire and enthusiasm for exercise in the snow in an environment dominated by technology and hungry for attention. And how do we reach people who are far removed from winter, reach the drivers who are at least partly responsible for it, such as parents and family! Lots of exciting questions, answers and ideas await!

Who will you meet at the SNOW.KIDS.SUMMIT.2025?

Managers of alpine tourism Specialists & managers Ski schools & sports equipment rental, tourism, cable car & supplier industry, mountain gastronomy & hotel industry, mountain and sports hotels, authorities and associations, winter services and technical services, industrial companies from the DACH region & South Tyrol


Prof. Bernhard Heinzlmaier, Institute for Youth Culture Research: “Opportunities for the Alpine Winter”

Bernhard Heinzlmaier is co-founder and honorary chairman of the Institute for Youth Culture Research. His main job is managing the market research company tfactory and he has been working in youth research for over three decades. Prof. Heinzlmaier is the author and co-author of numerous studies such as "Reports on the situation of young people in Austria", Generation Study 2023: Consensus instead of conflict, DACH Future Study: Future ideas of young people in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, Generation "Safety First": First Austrian Apprenticeship Study, Digital Youth Culture 2022.


Enthusiasm for winter sports and what it takes... Felix Gottwald lives his enthusiasm for winter sports. An enthusiasm that can develop when opportunities are continually created to experience the fascination of winter sports. We are role models by setting an example - both in our enthusiasm and in winter sports. Felix Gottwald's beginnings in Nordic combined were anything but child's play. His coaches preceded him by assessing him as a pronounced "anti-talent". His will, his trust, his attitude, combined with the virtue of practice, have accompanied him as loyal companions to this day. He is Austria's most successful Olympic athlete, health scientist, entrepreneur and father of two. Today he shares his knowledge and experience with companies, institutions, teams and athletes from all over the world. He stands for healthy and joyful success. He is not interested in success at any price. His credo: simply do your best.

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