Slight Recovery In August For Swiss Liftco’s

After a difficult start to the summer, marked by storms with heavy rain, August was like midsummer. If we look at the month of August alone, 6% more guests traveled on the Swiss mountain railways. However, the encouraging August figures cannot correct the low number of guests since the start of the season. Across Switzerland, 2% fewer guests traveled this summer than in summer 2023. However, compared to the five-year average, the number of guests is 11% higher.

For the summer season monitoring, the Swiss Cable Cars Industry Association evaluates the number of guests (first-time entries) in the summer season from over 100 members from all over Switzerland. The figures now available from May to the end of August allow a review of the start of the season in May and June as well as the holiday months of July and August. After a cool June and a July with bad weather on the weekends, the weather improved from mid-July. August was characterized by lots of sunshine and periods of heat, but also by storms in the Bernese Oberland.

Sunshine: Mountain railways in medium altitudes operate best in August

The warm and sunny August attracted holidaymakers and day-trippers from the metropolitan areas to the mountains. In August, destinations at medium altitudes (1500 to 2000 m) recorded 14% more guests than lifts at low altitudes (up to 1500 m). The latter are 5% above the value for August 2023, while lifts above 2000 m suffered a slight decline of -2%.

Even the good August could not compensate for the slow start to summer. Overall, 2% fewer first-time admissions were registered in the months May to August than in the previous year.

Regional differences

A review of the season shows regional differences and peculiarities. The mountain railways in the Vaud and Fribourg Alps were able to increase significantly (+9%), those in the Bernese Oberland were also in positive territory at 2%, while all other regions continued to show a loss, although with the exception of Ticino (-2%) all regions were able to catch up in terms of guest numbers in August. In Central Switzerland and Valais, the railways still recorded -3%, Graubünden -7% and Eastern Switzerland -11%.

Comparison with the 5-year average

The five-year review is positive for the cable car industry. Compared to the average values ​​of the last five years, the number of guests has increased in all regions with two exceptions, with growth rates ranging from 1% in Valais to 26% in Central Switzerland. Overall, Swiss cable cars are pleased with 11% more guests. Eastern Switzerland has recorded a slight decline in first-time entries of 6% compared to the five-year average, and Graubünden by 12%. "We see that the cable car business is heavily dependent on the weather. The industry offers attractive activities for different target groups. Guests enjoy the high relaxation factor in the mountains during the summer heat," summarizes Berno Stoffel, Director of Cable Cars Switzerland.

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