Selbahn System Rheinpendel Cologne - A Technical Feasibility Study Will Be Integrated Into Sustainable Mobility Plan

At the meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, the administration will recommend that the transport committee include the "Rheinpendel" cable car system, for which the technical feasibility has been confirmed by an expert, in the sustainable mobility plan "Besser durch Köln".
The administration is currently developing a strategic framework for further shaping the mobility turnaround in Cologne in the sustainable mobility plan. Here the Rhine pendulum could be part of a target scenario and the corresponding development of measures. The decisive factor for an overall consideration is the interaction of the Rhine shuttle with other traffic measures, which are also to be considered in more detail in the mobility plan (new Rhine bridges, new light rail lines, water bus). The individual measures should be prioritized in the process, also against the background of existing and future resources.
In March 2019, the Transport Committee asked the administration to study the feasibility of a cable car system (AN/0357/2019). A passenger potential assessment was commissioned in September 2020. The results were communicated to the Transport Committee at the meeting on August 31, 2021 (3058/2021). At the meeting on October 5, 2021, the committee took note of the administration's proposal to limit the investigation area for the feasibility study compared to the original application. In April 2022, a planning office for cable car systems from South Tyrol was commissioned to develop a technical feasibility study for a Rhine pendulum between Deutz harbor and the Zoobrücke. The elaboration of the specialist planners is now available and is attached to the template as an appendix.