Schladming-Dachstein Sets The Tone In Regionality And Culinary Arts

The Austrian tourism region Schladming-Dachstein is setting further accents on the topics of regionality and culinary arts.

  • "Schladming-Dachstein Genusspartner" project connects food producers and tourism companies
  • Award-winning chef Richard Rauch conjures up dishes with hut owners from the region
  • Tourism association drives successful initiatives forward with many supporting activities and top events


More than 20 direct marketers and more than 40 catering and accommodation companies have already been won over for the "Schladming-Dachstein Genusspartner" project. As part of the "Almkulinarik by Richard Rauch" initiative, the regional culinary arts and the diversity of the region are brought into focus by a well-known top chef. After the successful start in spring, the "One evening, five chefs" event will be continued in September.

"The topics of gastronomy and regionality with a focus on excellence are central to our positioning as a top culinary destination," says Mathias Schattleitner, Managing Director of the Schladming-Dachstein Tourist Association. "We want to make culinary arts and honest hospitality a holistic experience and raise awareness of local food and products. We are achieving this, for example, with the Genusspartner project, in which we connect direct marketers with restaurants in our region and thus create added value for the businesses, but also for locals and guests."

Star chef Richard Rauch inspires with creativity

For five years now, the 4-toque chef Richard Rauch has been cooking summer and winter together with the hut owners of the Schladming-Dachstein region as part of the "Almkulinarik by Richard Rauch" event. With his creativity, the top chef succeeds time and again in inspiring guests with varied dishes that are also characterized by the use of regional products. “The same applies here: only if all players in the value chain work together can we generate real added value for agriculture, the catering and accommodation businesses and for the entire tourism region,” stresses Schattleitner.

Continuation of the event “One evening, five chefs”

Warmth and genuine hospitality also characterized the premiere of the new event “One evening, five chefs - The diversity of the region on the plate" in March. After the successful start in the Waldhäuslalm ( review here in the YouTube video ), the event will go into the next round in autumn. On September 17th, the event will take place in the Mayer Inn and Village Hotel in St. Martin am Grimming. Guests can look forward to a five-course tasting menu from five different chefs, including Styrian wine accompaniment from the STK Maitz winery. In addition to Richard Rauch, Stefan Ell-Mayer from the host Mayer Inn and Village Hotel, Franz Danklmaier (GrafenWirt), Thomas Spielbichler (E42 Mountainsteil) and Andreas Zechmann (Waldhäuslalm) will be there this time. The event was sold out within a very short time.

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