Schladming-Dachstein Is Breaking New Ground In Employer Branding

The search for personnel and the long-term retention of skilled workers is currently one of the biggest challenges in the labor market - also and probably especially in tourism. The Schladming-Dachstein Tourism Association has launched a new, comprehensive funding project under the title “Win-Retain-Reward: Holistic, innovative employee concept”. Its key points were recently presented together with the renowned marketing agency Saint Elmo's Tourism at the Sporthotel Royer in Schladming under the motto “Brand and People – New Ways in Employer Branding ” . The project includes, among other things, the design of a new employer brand for the Schladming-Dachstein region. In the future, workers will be advertised under the slogan “That’s what we’re happy to do.” The cornerstone for this is trust . Building on this, the following values emerge that characterize the region's employers: courageous, supportive and warm. TVB has been working in the area of employer branding since 2018.
After the introduction of a “Benefitcard” for employees, the repertoire of offers has been supplemented in recent years by employee events such as the “Grill and Chill Clubbing” or the “Heroes of the Season” event. Investments were also made in employee education, for example through Community Days. “In order to combine all of these and other actions and projects and pour them into one brand, we submitted them at the end of 2022 as part of the funding call 'Innovative Lighthouse Projects - Working in Tourism' from the Austrian Federal Ministry,” explains TVB managing director Mathias Schattleitner. “Pleasingly, we also received approval for appropriate funding. After intensive project work, surveys, workshops and the implementation of digital services, we can now present the results." “Senior talents”: Many retired employees would like to continue to be active.
Around 50 people interested in tourism from the Styrian region received information about upcoming employee events in Schladming-Dachstein, the presentation of an employee platform and the employee club as well as a job portal for companies and future employees. An exciting part of the concept is also the work of the “Senior Talents” group
The main result of this group was that there are a lot of pensioners in the region who are willing to work, but for whom employment is not worthwhile due to the high tax contributions in the pension.
The legal and financial framework does not yet suit
Waltraud Bliem from the Bliems Familienhotel in Haus im Ennstal: “I know a lot of long-standing employees, including those from our company, who would like to continue working to the best of their abilities in their pension. If we succeeded in doing this, we would create a “win -win situation” for everyone: appreciation, team membership and additional income for the seniors as well as valuable knowledge, experience and solidarity from the employees for the company. However, the legal and financial framework for continuing to work in retirement must first be improved.” The steering group has now made this realization its mission to approach politicians with suggestions.