Schladming-Dachstein Focuses On Quality, Paths And Climbing Routes Renovated

The Schladming-Dachstein region is considered an absolute hiking paradise for summer guests.

  • Paths and via ferratas renovated: Schladming-Dachstein hiking paradise focuses on quality Tourism association supported the region's path owners with important projects
  • Silberkar high-altitude trail and Jungfrauensteig as well as the hiking trail to Duisitzkarsee renovated -
  • Around 100,000 euros have been invested in path renovation measures since last year 

In order to maintain the tourist offerings at the highest level, paths and via ferratas must be regularly evaluated and renovated if necessary. This year, the tourism association supported the region's path owners with some important projects and general renovations. The Silberkar high-altitude trail and the Jungfrauensteig in Ramsau as well as the hiking trail to Duisitzkarsee in Schladming were made fit for the next few years. The Ramsau via ferrata was completely overhauled in summer 2023.

A total of around 100,000 euros was invested in all of these measures over a period of three months as part of impulse financing. As part of this year's renovation projects, steps were built, debris barriers erected, shortcuts closed, bottlenecks removed and some paths re-routed. In addition, quality optimizations were made in the signage and in the construction and further improvement of hiking portals at starting points. A total of around 65,000 euros was also invested in these activities.

"The need for renovation is determined by the path owner, sometimes also suggested by the tourism association," explains Gerhard Pilz, responsible for product development for hiking in Schladming-Dachstein. "Up to five people are on site for a professional renovation. Depending on the scope of the work, they are on site for between three and six days."

Further renovation projects planned TVB Managing Director Mathias Schattleitner emphasizes: "In order to maintain the high quality for locals and guests on our hiking trails in the region, it is a high priority for us as a tourism association to support such important renovation projects as part of impulse funding. I would like to thank all those responsible and the workers involved for the excellent implementation.”

This year, a renovation is planned near the Hochwurzen, on hiking trail number 60 between Hüttecksattel and Roßfeld. There is already a project list for the years 2025 to 2027 with around 15 upcoming trail projects. 

As part of this year's renovation projects in Schladming-Dachstein, steps were built, sediment barriers erected, shortcuts closed, bottlenecks removed and some paths rerouted. In addition, quality improvements were made in the signage and in the construction and further improvement of hiking portals at starting points.

The Styrian region is considered an absolute hiking paradise by summer guests. This year, the Schladming-Dachstein Tourist Association supported the region's path maintainers with several important projects and general renovations.

Gerhard Pilz, responsible for product development for hiking in Schladming-Dachstein: "The need for renovation is determined by the path maintainer, sometimes also suggested by the tourist association. For professional renovation, up to five people are on site. Depending on the scope of the work, they are on site for between three and six days."

TVB Managing Director Mathias Schattleitner emphasises: “In order to maintain the high quality for locals and guests on our hiking trails in the region, it is a high priority for us as a tourism association to support such important renovation projects as part of stimulus funding. I would like to thank all those responsible and the workers involved for the excellent implementation.”

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