Saastal Bergbahnen: New Hannigbahn - The Concrete Work Continues At Full Speed.

The concrete work continues at full speed. The inner walls of the valley station were concreted and completed. In addition, the front post could be concreted.

In order to secure the excavation pit and the Carina house, nail walls are being built with shotcrete to enable excavation for the foundation of column 2. The foundations of supports 4 and 5 were also concreted so that the supports could be assembled later.

From support 3 onwards, all of the infrastructure lines could be temporarily relocated for the construction of the return route from support 3. These infrastructure lines include high-voltage medium-voltage lines, drinking water and wastewater lines, and communication lines.

The announced transport of the masts arrived in Saas-Fee as planned. The cable car components were delivered with several trucks including trailers. The majority of the parts were deposited at the valley station of the Felskinnbahn for pre-assembly. Supports 6 and 7 were transported directly to Hannig with the help of trucks.

The gondolas for the new Hannigbahn have already been produced in the factory. A total of 13 gondolas with a capacity of 10 people per gondola are planned for the new railway system. The transport capacity will therefore increase to 800 people per hour at a speed of 5 m/s. The journey time on the 1.1 km route is just under 5 minutes. The gondola sponsors were attached directly to the gondolas in the CWA factory. A big thank you goes to the gondola sponsors and all other patrons for their valuable support.

Some of the pending work could also be completed at the mountain station. The main foundation including the front post has already been concreted.

About a third of the entire mechanical system was delivered using eight truck trips to the Hannig mountain station. Here the fresh snow made access to the mountain station difficult, which had to be cleared of snow.

Outlook on the upcoming work

At the valley station, the ceiling of the platform of approx. 250 square meters will be concreted in the coming days, and the front and rear supports will be tackled. The foundation of column 2 is also concreted.

On the way back from support 3, the excavation and slope stabilization work of the 13 meter deep excavation pit began. These will be continued next week.

At the mountain station, the concrete work will begin on the rear post. In addition, the platform slab will be concreted in stages.

The particular challenge in building the mountain station is the temperatures. Concrete work must be carried out above freezing point, i.e. above 0 degrees Celsius. The concrete areas are then wrapped with heat-insulating materials and additionally heated so that cracks in the concrete can be prevented.

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