Saalfelden Leogang Becomes Certified With Austrian Ecolabel

The eco-label is an effort to make Austrian tourism more sustainable; the certification is challenging and profound. To award the independent seal of quality, measures in the areas of sustainability, waste management, mobility and resource management are evaluated, among other things. And that is exactly what Saalfelden Leogang has been committed to for a long time as a climate alliance company (as the first tourism association in Salzburg).
Thomas Wurzinger, responsible for sustainability management at Saalfelden Leogang Touristik GmbH: “In our sustainability efforts, the certification is a milestone and at the same time a guideline for the next few years. We want to set an example for other regions without pointing fingers. A sustainably oriented destination is possible and desirable for an attractive living space for all of us.”
The topic of sustainability is reflected in many measures and projects in the region: green events, clean energy, value chains and climate hikes are part of the self-image in Saalfelden Leogang. Leoganger Bergbahnen is the first cable car company in Austria to use HVO100 fuel for its entire vehicle fleet, which is made from renewable raw materials and saves up to 90 percent of CO2. In addition, since 2018, 100 percent of the electricity required has been obtained from regional energy sources, such as hydropower. The communities are also heavily involved, for example Saalfelden by participating in the e5 program for energy efficiency and Leogang by using the Loigom-Soifen Shuttle. Saalfelden Leogang is not only a climate alliance company, but also a member of respACT.