RECCO Year Round Search System Expanding With New Brand Partners & Growing Detector Placements
Inexpensive, requiring no battery or other external power sources, and easily integrated into a wide variety of outdoor gear, RECCO Reflector technology is becoming essential equipment for everyone who ventures into the outdoors, thanks to the rapid deployment of the RECCO SAR Helicopter Detectors around the globe, most recently with Helico Secours (Canada) and HeliAir (Sweden).
The addition of these two companies brings the total deployment of the RECCO SAR Helicopter Detector system to 19 in Europe and 11 in North America, making even more of the planet’s wildest places easier accessible to professional rescue teams and adding an additional layer of safety for the individuals who venture into them.
The expansion of the RECCO SAR Helicopter System has been complimented by an extensive growth in RECCO brand partners. New partners in this ecosystem include Dakine, Artilect Studio (both introducing RECCO equipped products in stores in fall of 2022) and Julbo.
“On top of enhancing the skier and snowboarder experience with ski goggles and helmets, it is also our responsibility to promote solutions that can make a difference when the worse happens. JULBO partnering with RECCO, the most advanced and efficient technology for rescuers, makes perfectly sense,” says Nicolas Defaude, Product Manager at Julbo.
These companies join a stable that includes more than 150 brands globally, with existing longtime partners such as Arc’teryx and Decathlon, as well as newcomers like Siroko, Skogstad Sport, Skyline, Boulder Gear, Grifone and X bionic. They’re part of a family that has integrated RECCO reflectors in innovative ISPO award-winning products, including the Alpspitze Air 3L Jacket & Pants by Jack Wolfskin; Scarpa’s Phantom 8000 Thermic HD expedition boot; the Arctic Patrol Modular Parka 2.0 by Helly Hansen and Patagonia’s Super Free Alpine Jacket, Alpine Suit and Untracked dungarees.
“It is a really exciting time as the RECCO system is growing globally with new and existing partners on board. All our brand partners are actually the core of the system, helping to make more people searchable to professional rescue teams worldwide,” says Fredrik Steinwall, CEO at RECCO.
RECCO will be present at the ISPO Munich Trade show in Munich from November 28-30, 2022. To preview this technology and learn more, please visit booth B3.500.