"Really Sustainable" - Seefeld Plateau Promoted As Model Region

Almost exactly three years ago, the sustainable orientation of the Seefeld region - Tyrol's high plateau - was presented under the working title "Green Deal Seefeld".

  • Numerous lighthouse projects for sustainable orientation have already been implemented
  • Really sustainable: from the arrival to the gastronomy and leisure activities to the overnight stay
  • The Seefeld region is the first holiday destination to be awarded the Austrian eco-label


Climate Protection Councilor René Zumtobel together with Christian Wandl, the deputy chairman of the TVB Seefeld and chairman of the Karwendel Nature Park have presented the milestones achieved so far at the Seefeld train station. The commitment is impressive and is also appreciated: Recently, the TVB Region Seefeld was the first holiday destination to receive the Austrian Ecolabel.

Whether in Seefeld, Leutasch, Mösern, Reith or Scharnitz: a lot has been planned in the region to make a contribution to climate protection and sustainability. Numerous initiatives have been and are being implemented, from selected companies as plateau pioneers to the climate-friendly energy supply of large hotels, the “KlimaTop” knowledge trail at Reither Moor and public transport for guests.

“We have set ourselves ambitious goals in Tyrol with the Tyrolean sustainability and climate strategy in order to make our country fit for the future, to reduce CO2 emissions and to protect the climate. This requires commitment from politicians, companies, private individuals and holiday regions. The Seefeld Plateau is a prime example and is sure to inspire many others to follow a similar path. We have to get active where we can also make a difference," says Climate Protection Councilor Zumtobel with conviction, emphasizing the issue of mobility in particular: "An essential factor in minimizing the CO2 footprint is the arrival of the numerous holiday guests in Tyrol.

any good ideas have already been implemented in the region, on the one hand by improving public transport, but also by innovative concepts for on-site mobility and an incentive system for not traveling by car. In line with its location in the Karwendel Nature Park, the region has committed itself to sustainability - this not only helps us with climate protection, but is also very well received by locals and guests."

This spring, for example, the region initiated the "Freifahrt ins Urlaubglück" project. . Holiday guests are reimbursed up to 150 euros of their travel expenses if they travel climate-friendly by train or bus. The budget of 60,000 euros provided by the Seefeld region for this pilot project was used up after just a few weeks.

From the regional breakfast to the promotion of biodiversity

Deputy chairman of the TVB and nature park chairman, Christian Wandl, highlighted other best practice examples and also reported on hurdles that had to be overcome in recent years: "Here in the region, we have decided to be really sustainable and not just putting a green stamp on things. Some measures could be implemented smoothly, while others required and still require a lot of persuasion, perseverance and commitment. For example, we were able to establish the so-called plateau breakfast in twelve accommodation establishments. The breakfast assortment consists exclusively of regional products. For other dishes, regional procurement is a major challenge. In any case, we'll keep at it," said Wandl.

Eight companies from the TVB communities have joined forces to form the "Plateau Pioneers" and are implementing in-depth measures. The aim is to encourage at least 15 percent of guests to travel by public transport by 2030. They carry out a mobility survey for each guest and define priority goals for their operations in order to reduce harmful emissions. “What also characterizes us is the close cooperation with the Karwendel Nature Park. In addition to the numerous activities that we offer our guests, we have also managed, for example, to create 5,000 square meters of species-rich flower meadows or to implement the KlimaTop around the Reither Moor, which impressively illustrates the consequences of climate change," explains Wandl.

First tourism region with the Austrian eco-label

Only recently was the region the first destination to receive the Austrian eco-label. Congratulations from LR Zumtobel: “We also supported this pilot project from the state for two years. The work of everyone involved has clearly borne fruit and I hope that in the future many other regions will actively follow this path and benefit from the experience gained: In the future, the high plateau should be available as a best practice example.” With the award of the The work of the TVB Region Seefeld is not over with the Austrian eco-label: "We will continue to work on making our region more sustainable and climate-friendly," concludes Wandl.

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