Pigelet-Grevy Is New French Ski Federation Secretary General

At the General Assembly of the French Ski Federation held on 2ndJune in Grenoble, the Steering Committee elected Anne-Chantal Pigelet-Grevy as the new Secretary General of the French Ski Federation. Alain Le Corno was entrusted with the position of treasurer, while Anne-Chantal Pigelet-Grevy and Thierry Schoenauer will take up office as Vice-Presidents.
The Federal Council will consist of President Michel Vion, Secretary General and Vice President Anne-Chantal Pigelet-Grevy, Treasurer Alain Le Corno and Vice President Thierry Schoenauer, as well as five elected members Jean-Marc Villemin[a friend of SIN], Gilbert Carrez, Jean-Paul Carlhian, Olivier Mayol and Martine Kohly.