Outdoor Gear Specialist Simply Hike Snapped Up By Owners Of Welly Boot Fashion Brand Evercreatures
Outdoor leisurewear and equipment specialists Simply Hike has been bought by the owners of funky wellington boot brand Evercreatures.
- Astbury Collections – owners of welly boot brand Evercreatures – secures new business
- Purchase of Simply Hike expected to lead to new jobs at Alford HQ
- Simply Hike aims to recapture a significant share of the outdoor leisurewear and equipment sector
Simply Hike, a market leader in clothing and equipment products for hiking, walking, camping, beach and skiwear, aims to recapture a significant share of the outdoor leisurewear and equipment sector.
It has become the latest addition in the Astbury Collections group, which also includes coat brand Rainmac. Simply Hike will complement the group’s existing brands within the outdoor leisurewear sector.
The acquisition of Simply Hike, which will now become an entirely online operation with its headquarters based in Alford, Lincolnshire, is also expected to add six new employees via the government’s Kickstarter scheme.
Tony Bailey, owner and director of operations of Astbury Collections, is now proactively working with new suppliers and brands to add new ranges and equipment, while also undertaking a wider review of the business.
Bailey said: “The opportunity to add Simply Hike to our portfolio of businesses was too good to miss.
“With Evercreatures having been a supplier to Simply Hike, I knew the business well. It has a lot of potential, even in a competitive sector, as at its peak it had a turnover of £3.5m per year.
“It is a strong retail brand, has an excellent reputation and superb customer loyalty, with good traction on social media. Simply Hike’s reviews and tips are amongst its most popular features and this will be something we will be continuing.
“The business is not without its challenges, particularly rebuilding in the current climate, but the reaction from suppliers and customers has been extremely positive.”
With regards to Simply Hike’s recruitment plans, Bailey added: “We will need more staff across different areas and are looking to expand the warehouse, customer service, sales and marketing teams.
“We are awaiting the greenlight for funding from the government’s Kickstarter scheme and provide opportunities to help younger people back into the workplace.”