Ostersund To Host FIS Para Nordic World Championships 2023

The International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) is pleased to announce that the FIS Para Nordic World Championship 2023 will take place in Östersund (SWE).
The World Championship will include Cross Country and Biathlon events and will take place from 20-29 January.
The 2023 Para Snow Sports World Championships were originally scheduled to take place in the Jämtland region of Sweden and include Nordic, Alpine and Snowboard after the successful inaugural edition of the joint Para snow Sports World Championship in 2022 in Lillehammer (NOR).
However, on the eve of the transfer of governance of Para Snow Sports from the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to FIS, the joint World Championships were cancelled.
“Finding a possibility to host the 2023 FIS Para Nordic World Championships was a top priority for FIS after taking over the governance of Para Snow Sports. These Championships are the annual pinnacle for the athletes and teams, and it is important to give them the opportunity to compete in a World Championship. Thanks to the excellent collaboration with the Swedish Parasport Association, we were able to find this solution,” said Michel Vion, FIS Secretary General.
Bo Sköld, Swedish Parasport Association Secretary General added, “I would like to say a big thank you to all those involved who carried out the work during the summer, to Östersund as a city, partners and organisations who have supported us during the process. Now we look forward to focusing on the practical work in the implementation of the world championships, with high quality and attention for our winter Para sporters.”
FIS will continue to look for hosts to welcome the 2023 FIS Para World Championships for the Alpine and Snowboard disciplines.