Official Trailer Released For TransWorld Snowboarding's Newest Film "The Future of Yesterday"

Transword Snowboarding has released a trailer for their new movie, The Future of Yesterday.
They say:
“It’s worth noting that the case of snowboard films is often dictated more by sponsor dollars and politics than genuine relationships. The Future of Yesterday is the exact opposite of this, due largely in part because it’s simply not how snowboarding movies used to be made. These guys are a crew of actual friends who ride together, and have been doing so for a while now.
"Long before they were the Cozy Bois, they were collectively sharing their contest winnings because they each were all about a good time more than an any one individual’s success. It’s all about helping each other get tricks, and contributing to the group’s collective number of landed tricks, with the ultimate goal of ten total, thus enabling Halldor’s Blackout Rule. This attitude has heavily translated to the group’s filming approach. They simply did what they wanted to do, not worrying about the usual things like schedules or deadlines that usually take priority on a filming trip.
"This past season the crew traveled to Japan, then Italy, survived the European RV Tour of Depression, sent it to Laax, and finally wrapped things up in Oregon. Enjoy this brief look into the season of Halldor Helgason, Tor Lundstrom, Kevin Backstrom, Ulrik Badertscher, Ethan Morgan, Eiki Helgason, and Max Buri, and get stoked for the full movie release, dropping 10.10.2018.”