North Dakota’s Frost Fire Park Announces Pause For Ski, Snowboard Season

Frost Fire Park will be putting in new snow making infrastructure in the spring of 2023 thanks to a federal and state grant. The funding for the upgrades is now in place and bids are being reviewed for the upcoming project.
However, the Board of the Pembina Gorge Foundation, which owns and operates Frost Fire Park, has made the difficult decision to not open the park for skiing and snowboarding during the 2022-2023 winter season. Board members regretfully made this decision due to major malfunctions with the current snowmaking system.
Board members stress this is a temporary, single-season shut down that is necessary to allow the new snowmaking infrastructure to be built for the 2023-2024 winter season. The current snow making system is old and tired and in need of extensive repair stated Jeff Mostad, President of the board. “Snow making is expensive and labor intensive and despite recent attempts to repair electrical, pump and water lines, we ultimately had to make the decision to discontinue this winter season.
“This was not an easy choice,” said Patty Gorder, interim general manager of Frost Fire Park. “This is not permanent, but temporary as we gear up for a safer, more efficient, and faster snow making system.”
“As sad as it is to see the ski hill not open for the season, we know Frost Fire Park needs this time to implement a new snowmaking system,” stated Mostad, “Due to delays with supply chain issues and labor shortages, the new system was not able to be installed in time for the upcoming ski season. “We are building new infrastructure to set Frost Fire Park up to have many more ski and snowboard seasons to come.”
A recent donation from Maxum Mostad, along with matching dollars, brought $31,500 to Frost Fire Park. A fundraising banquet held last weekend was well attended and brought passionate donors together to share the Frostfire Experience. Funds from these generous donors will be used to cover overhead expenses and needed improvements over the winter.
Frost Fire Park is currently making updates to its amphitheater, which includes construction of a new stage and dressing rooms. Frost Fire Summer Theatre had a successful season this summer with its production of “The Sound of Music.”
“We are moving forward with projects and we are looking forward to continued operations to enhance the experience of our guests,” Mostad said.
Gorder added, “As we await our new snow system, please support our sister resorts Bottineau Winter Park, Huff Hills, Thrills Hills Ski Area, Detroit Mountain, Andes Tower Hills and Buena Vista Ski Area.