Night Skiing And Networking For The Ski Austria Vienna Business Club

As part of the exclusive networking event series of the Ski Austria Vienna Business Club, a joint night skiing event took place on the Semmering Hirschenkogel last week.

The weather was at its best last week: perfect piste conditions and a clear starry sky ensured the best conditions on the well-prepared slopes for the Ski Austria Vienna Business Club networking event. In addition to the active members of the business club, interested guests were also invited to take advantage of the opportunity to network in a relaxed atmosphere.

Shortly before 6 p.m., the business group gathered around Snowsports Academy CEO Martin Dolezal in front of the valley station. After a short get-together, everyone headed out for the evening ski. In keeping with the networking idea, the participants decided to enjoy the runs together as a group. This provided plenty of opportunity for stimulating conversations - whether while riding the lift or between turns on the slopes.

The evening concluded with a communal dinner in the cozy Liechtensteinhaus at the mountain station. In a convivial atmosphere, experiences were exchanged, new contacts were made and existing networks maintained. After a successful evening, the group finally made a final descent back to the valley - a fitting end to a successful networking event on skis.

Among those present were Martin Dolezal ( Snowsports Academy ), Albert Reiter (Ski Austria Vienna), Florian Laszlo (Observer), Peter Kraus (PK-Personalberatung), Ulrike Kriegler (moderator), André Möseneder (Peeroton), Josef Almer (Goldbach), Heinz Palme (Sporteo), Paul Ranefeld (Freytag & Bernd), Werner Hascher (Medianet), Andreas Schiller (Golf House).

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