Niesenbahn Achieves "Swisstainable - Level III - Leading" Status

NIESENBAHN AG is now officially "Swisstainable" at the highest level "Level III - leading". This makes it one of six mountain railways in Switzerland that has reached the highest level. The goal of the new sustainability strategy of Switzerland Tourism (ST) and the tourism industry is to promote more sustainable tourism and its visibility. For NIESENBAHN AG, it is a sign that the company is on the right path towards three-dimensional sustainability - but the contribution to sustainability does not end with this label.

"Anyone who advertises a "mountain experience" must also do something to maintain and develop it qualitatively." says Urs Wohler, Managing Director of NIESENBAHN AG. The mountain railway company in the Bernese Oberland has been working consistently with this philosophy for several years. Three-dimensional sustainability is key here. Three-dimensionally sustainable means "careful" in relation to guests and employees, "successful" in relation to profitability and financial success, "foresighted" in relation to the environment and climate protection.

"Level III - leading" as an intermediate step

The cornerstone for the label was laid with the sustainability measures (, which the company is already implementing. ISO certification with the “Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015)” standard was decisive for achieving “Level III – leading” in the Swisstainable program. After another successful certification at the end of June 2023, the Swisstainable label could be applied for at the highest level.

In addition to NIESENBAHN AG, twenty-five other tourism companies in the canton of Bern are certified at this level. Across Switzerland, a total of six mountain railways have "Level III - leading", with the Niesenbahn being the only mountain railway in the canton of Bern. «A nice and important sign that we are on the right track. But it's not done with labels alone. We must remain committed and implement further concrete measures. This is the only way we can make a serious contribution to sustainability.” says Nicolas Overney, Head of Marketing, Sales and Events.

Regional responsibility as a tourism provider

As a tourism provider, it is the entrepreneurial duty of the Niesenbahn to assume responsibility in the area of ​​sustainability. In 2021, the company EBP (Ernst Basler und Partner AG, Zurich), the technically and economically independent company specializing in contract research, calculated the "effect and value" of NIESENBAHN AG on behalf of the Niesenbahn. This impact analysis showed impressive economic effects in the region, which the Niesenbahn "triggers" as a medium-sized company: In 2021, it triggered 87,000 overnight stays and 47 million francs in direct and indirect sales in Switzerland, more than half of them in the Niesen region itself. The gross value added amounted to 23 million Swiss francs.

«If you achieve gross value added of CHF 23 million, you have to think carefully about how to further develop the business model against the background of current knowledge. We therefore bear responsibility in the region, which we are aware of and which we have to take on." says Urs Wohler, Managing Director of NIESENBAHN AG.

The right measure is required

What are the regional goals, political priorities and societal challenges faced by a region? Which economic, social, cultural and natural aspects must be taken into account in the further development of a company so that its actions and activities fit into the regional system and make the best possible contribution? Not only today, but also in the future. These questions concern the Niesenbahn. And so is the question of the right measure. Is annual growth desirable? Or is it balanced demand with constant and best possible profitability in order to be able to meet the diverse demands? The Niesen answers these questions with three-dimensional balance: Balanced occupancy with guests with the shortest possible journey, Employees from the region who are familiar with the offers and are part of the company's development, as well as a consumption of resources that allows the next generation to be credibly explained what you do and do. Swisstainable helps on this way.

About Swisstainable

About the sustainability measures of the Niesenbahn

Key figures Niesenbahn AG

  • Turnover: > 5 million (10-year average)
  • Cash flow/cash flow margin: > 1 million, > 20 percent (10-year average)
  • Individual guests: 80'000 to 100'000
  • 90 full-time, part-time and temporary staff members

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