New, 6-Seater Chair Is Coming To Perisher!
A brand new, 6-seater chairlift is on its way to Mt. Perisher!
Affectionately dubbed the "Mt. P 6", the highspeed detachable chairlift will replace the existing Mt Perisher Double and Triple chairs and is expected to spin for the 2025 Australian snow season.
Soon to be the highest lifted point in Australia at 2042m elevation, the Mt Perisher 6 will provide greater connectivity between Perisher’s resort areas for skiers and snowboarders than ever before, allowing you to choose between trails in all directions without needing to traverse.
The new chair will almost halve the current travel time up Mt Perisher from 10 minutes to around five and a half minutes. Faster load and unload times at each end will also facilitate greater circulation and flow of traffic around the mountain.
To keep updated on the construction of the Mt. P 6. Keep your eye on the Perisher Facebook and Instagram, as well as the Perisher website and blog for regular updates. You can also subscribe to emails for the latest updates.