MND & CALAG: Unveil Huy Cable Car Cabins

As part of the construction of Huy cable car in Belgium, MND has entrusted the famous Swiss body designer Calag-Gangloff with the production and assembly of the new cabins, a true emblem of this urban cable transport infrastructure. These tailor-made cabins have been designed and manufactured in accordance with safety instructions and requirements in terms of design and weight. Their strong and lightweight aluminum construction ensures high durability, to allow uninterrupted operation for many years and thus reduce maintenance costs.
Thanks to their large and curved glass surfaces, the new cabins will allow users to have a stunning view of the environment. Modern and spacious, they are equipped with two benches and a disabled person area, allowing them to comfortably accommodate a dozen passengers.
In Huy, work on the pylons continues, with the reinforcement and replacement of certain structures. Machinery is being installed in terminals and the renovation of buildings is nearing completion.
The cable car should go back to work at the end of 2023.
About Calag – Gangloff
Calag Carrosserie Langenthal AG is a company which, since its foundation in 1888, has become one of the leading Swiss suppliers of vehicle construction and bodywork. Its know-how is recognized for cabin construction, repair and service, painting, and signage.
In April 2018, Calag took over the activities of Gangloff Cabins for the design and construction of cabins for cable cars, carriage for funiculars and special cabins for amusement parks and other tailor-made products; it continues to operate these businesses as Calag-Gangloff Cabins.
The Huy cable car renovation project is also carried out in partnership with Cop et Portier.
- Jig-back cable car
- 2 cabins of 15 seats, accessible to Person with Reduced Mobility and bicycles
- Speed of 30km/h
- Length: 1 294 m
- Vertical drop: 131 m
- Maximum capacity per year: 785,000 people
- Travel time: less than 4 minutes
- Can be operated with or without cabin crew
- Operation: 7 days/7 during seasonal operations