Klosters-Madrisa Bergbahnen AG Reports Successful Financial Year

Klosters-Madrisa Bergbahnen AG can look back on a successful financial year. As a weather-dependent company, we benefited from largely good conditions in winter and summer. This led to a significant increase in sales, improved EBITDA and a small company profit.

A more detailed look at the 2023/2024 financial year shows that the predominantly good weather conditions in summer attracted more overnight guests to the Madrisa. The newly available star suites also contributed to this success. The event area also recorded positive development in the summer. Winter business benefited from an excellent start to the season with ideal weather and snow [1] conditions. Although the weather often deteriorated as the season progressed and the warm temperatures affected the snow, guests were happy with the very good piste conditions compared to lower-lying areas. As a result, visitor numbers increased in the winter season.

All of this led to a significant increase in total revenue [1] from TCHF 7,913 to TCHF 8,818, which is mainly due to the clear increase in traffic revenue (+ TCHF 743). In addition to the increased number of guests, the price increase for the Premium Card (guest card) also contributed to the positive revenue development. Just like gross revenue, gross profit also developed positively at TCHF 7,769 (previous year TCHF 7,016). Despite the significant increase in food and energy costs, we were also able to improve EBITDA (operating result before interest, depreciation and taxes) from TCHF 675 to TCHF 1,419. This pleasing result is significantly above the long-term average and shows our potential when the environment and meteorological conditions are right. Depreciation was higher than in the previous year due to various investments. The financial year thus closed with a profit of TCHF 15 (previous year: loss of TCHF 835).

The investments in the future of Madrisa, including the construction of solar systems and the continuous expansion of Madrisa Land, already had an impact last year. The photovoltaic systems helped to cushion the increased energy costs somewhat. Thanks to the expansion of overnight accommodation and the construction of further attractions in Madrisa Land, the attractiveness of the summer offer was increased step by step.

Investments will continue in the 2024/2025 financial year. This includes the continuous expansion of the production of sustainable energy, which will enable around 15-20% of electricity needs to be covered. Another investment project that is being actively considered with a view to the winter season after next is the reopening of the Glatteggen ski lift.

Annual Report 2023/24 here

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