Kimberley Northstar Quad – Repair Update

Following a December 202 arson attack on the top shack of the North Star Quad at Kimberley Alpine Resort theSome description British Columbian ski resort faced limited operations for the rest of the 2021-22 season. Repairs have been ongoing for the past eleven months and the resort has issued an update. They say:

"Hello Kimberley Skiers and Riders! We are excited to report that things are shaping up beautifully for the ski season in Kimberley!

"We have had over a metre of snow so far this fall, with about a foot in the last week, making for rapidly improving conditions up on the mountain. Also, the last month has been the best month for snowmaking we have ever had at the ski resort, so we have seen major progress on the Main and in our beginner for our imminent opening.

"And we are stoked to report that the repair is proceeding really well on the Northstar Quad! All the required parts have arrived on site and have been installed in the lift. The Leitner Poma crews are back on site and are working diligently to get the lift operational as soon as they can. We hope to see the lift start turning as early as this weekend! And then once the testing and certification process is complete, we plan to open on the earliest date we can, sometime during the third week of December. We will publish an exact date as soon as we can.

"We want to thank Leitner Poma once again for doing everything they can to get us all skiing and riding before Christmas. Please check back very soon as we will be excited to update you when the lift first turns.

"With the rapidly improving conditions we are seeing increased uphill traffic on the mountain. We need you to stick to the designated up-track route on the Boundary run to go up and down, no exceptions. Skiing or riding anywhere else on the resort is strictly prohibited right now. We had skiers walk past our closed signs and ‘winch cat operation in progress’ signs today, which created a very dangerous situation and slows down our ability to get the resort open for everyone. Review our up-tracking and preseason mountain travel guidelines here.

"Our team is stoked to get the resort open in full operation very soon. Can’t wait to see you all back up at the resort!"

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