Kasberg Bergbahnen To Have Full Ski Operation For 2024/25 Winter Season

The Upper Austrian ski resort Kasberg im Almtal announces full skiing operations for the 2024/25 winter season. After an economically successful season last winter, the starting signal has now been given for the 2024/25 season planning. Work is also underway at full speed on the implementation of future concepts for the popular ski resort.

The Kasberg ski area (Almtal, Upper Austria) announces full ski operations for the upcoming 2024/25 winter season. After an economically successful season last winter, everyone involved is convinced that they are on the right track. The popular family ski area has been very popular in the Almtal and beyond: "The Kasi is cult!" and recorded record days with 5,000 visitors last winter.

Successful winter 2023/24 as a basis for the coming ski season

The past winter season 2023/24 was economically successful for the Kasberg ski area in the Almtal (Upper Austria). In the previous season, KASBERG Betriebs GmbH was able to generate sales revenues of around 1.95 million euros and achieved a positive balance sheet profit. It has been shown that economic skiing operations on the Kasberg are absolutely possible. The response to the friendly family ski area with a long tradition was enormous: on record days, 5,000 skiers were welcomed to the Upper Austrian ski area. The events in particular were extremely well received and mobilized countless skiers. In the Snow & Fun card network, Kasberg was also able to achieve strong figures last season as the third strongest ski area.

“The backing and support from the entire region as well as from guests from Upper Austria and the other target markets was truly incredible last season!” says Managing Director Friedrich Drack, overwhelmed by the last winter season in the traditional ski area.

Intensive work on long-term future concepts

After an important milestone was reached with the successful completion of the restructuring process of Almtal Bergbahnen GmbH & Co KG, intensive work is now being carried out on long-term future concepts for the Kasberg ski area in the Almtal. Therefore, intensive discussions are being held with potential investors in parallel to operations. As part of a long-term strategy, the municipalities will also hand over their shares to new private owners.

"The stated goal of bridging the past winter season and completing it successfully has been achieved. Now it is a matter of leading the Kasberg into a successful future. With the concepts and partners available, we will achieve our goal," says Managing Director Friedrich Drack, together with the Fördergenossenschaft lebenswertes Almtal and the Traunsee-Almtal Tourism Association, looking optimistically to the future.

"Together with colleagues, my father once founded the Kasberg ski area. Many Upper Austrians learned to ski on the Kasberg and have unforgettable memories of the mountain. It was particularly important to me to preserve this legacy of my father and his colleagues, to lead the ski area out of the crisis and now to secure the continuation of the ski operation on the Kasberg in the long term. With numerous helpers, we are fully committed to this! We are currently also working on transferring the shares of the Almtal communities into private hands. The Fördergenossenschaft lebenswertes Almtal is supporting us in creating the necessary framework conditions and making the necessary contribution," says Friedrich Drack, explaining his motivation and the current tasks surrounding the Kasberg ski area.

"Thanks to the solidarity of an entire region, a positive conclusion was achieved for the Kasberg ski area in the 2023/2024 winter season. With this motivational boost, the new Kasberg team started preparations for the new season with renewed help from many clubs, businesses, citizens and financial supporters. It is important that the Almtal's local ski mountain continues to exist and is preserved in the long term for schools, kindergartens, clubs, pensioners, ski enthusiasts, etc., also with a view to serving as a social meeting place. We must not forget our friends from Holland and the other holiday guests who visited us in large numbers last year to preserve the ski area and thereby supported us. I see the development and continuation of the ski area as positive and will continue to do everything in my power to support our mountain in the future," emphasizes the mayor of Grünau im Almtal, Klaus Kramesberger.

Winter season 2024/25 packed with highlights

Preparations for the upcoming 2024/25 ski season at Kasberg are in full swing. In addition to the technical work, the focus is on delighting guests at Kasberg with extraordinary events. In addition to new events such as "Bass Mountain" and the "Kasberg Children's Olympics", Kasberg fans can also look forward to the legendary ski and culinary event "DER KASBERG KOCHT". Another highlight for young and old is the internationally renowned children's ski race "KidsXBattle".

Season ticket presale from September

From September, skiers will once again be able to secure their Kasberg season ticket in advance at an attractive price. Further information on the 2024/25 winter season will soon be available at www.kasberg.at, as well as from partner companies in the region and the Traunsee-Almtal Tourist Board.


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