Introducing ‘Powered By Geartrade’

Geartrade, the leading independent online resale platform for used outdoor gear and apparel, this month launched “Powered by Geartrade”– a turnkey service for winter hardgood and softgood brands that adds an essential element to their sustainability programs, improves brand loyalty, and boosts overall profits.
“Powered by Greartrade” is a new elevated level of service that builds on their experience as a preferred resale partner of industry-leading softgood brands, and adds best-in-class ski and snowboard tuning and refurbishment capabilities that are essential for hardgood makers.
“Consumers and brands are increasingly aware that a sustainability strategy without a resale or circularity component is like a table that’s missing a leg. It’s clearly out of balance, and it doesn’t need to be,” said Aaron Provine, president of Geartrade. “With ‘Powered by Geartrade,’ we’ve made the addition of a resale program easy, straightforward and cash positive.”
“Powered by Geartrade” is a turnkey and profitable resale service that delivers web development, operations, marketing and sales support, and supports those services through a revenue arrangement on the eventual sale of traded-in gear.
The service creates a complete consumer experience, including:
• Web development services that create a consumer facing presence within a brand’s current digital world;
• 100% free shipping for incoming and sold product;
• Professional evaluation, pricing, photography, product listing of received product;
• Instantaneous digital disbursement of trade-in coupons;
• Best-in-class ski and snowboard tuning services;
• Sales listings actively marketed to consumers through;
• Optional creation of a parallel digital store on a brand’s own website.
To learn more about “Powered by Geartrade” services, please contact
Geartrade is the leading independent online resale platform for outdoor gear and apparel. Climate Neutral Certified and family-owned, Geartrade makes it easy to buy and sell used gear, extends the life cycle of all outdoor products, and minimizes their environmental impact wherever they can. Geartrade sellers include individuals, retailers, and manufacturers; and selling options include both self-listing as well as consignment – which includes free boxes, free shipping, and complete hassle-free posting of all items. For more information or to sell that great old backpack hanging in your garage, please visit