Henry's Avalanche Talk ORTOVOX Off-Piste Awareness Tour Kicks Off, Includes Talk At Kendal Mountain Festival

Leading expert on avalanche and snow safety, Henry Schniewind, is presenting a Henry’s Avalanche Talk (HAT) at Kendal Mountain Festival as part of the ORTOVOX Off-Piste Awareness Tour.
The half hour ‘mini-talk’ titled ‘Avalanche Safety in 30 minutes’ takes place with mountain safety and clothing brand ORTOVOX on Sunday 20 November 20 at 9.45am on the Basecamp Stage.
During the talk, Henry will explain why off-piste safety depends less on an advanced understanding of snow science, and more on observation, checklists, teamwork and managing human factors. He will help answer the critical question ‘Is it safe out there’?
Henry said: “The talk is full of exciting images and videos showing some great skiing, along with close calls with danger. I’ll be delivering a risk management formula and checklist framework that will help skiers and snowboarders to see how riding off-piste can be no more dangerous than the activities you engage in everyday life, such as driving a vehicle on the roads”.
Participants to the festival can attend the talk free of charge and Henry will be available on the ORTOVOX stand at the festival from Friday afternoon onwards.
- HAT talk: November 20, 2022
- Time: 09.45am
- Place: Basecamp Stage
The full list of HAT talks during the ORTOVOX Avalanche Awareness Tour 2022 can be found here: henrysavalanchetalk.com/uk-events/the-off-piste-awareness-tour/
About the ORTOVOX Avalanche Awareness Tour 2022
A number of talks and training sessions are taking place across the UK this autumn, dates include:
2022 Tour dates
- Wednesday, 9 November - Ellis Brigham St Pauls (In depth)
- Monday, 14 November - Ellis Brigham Milton Keynes (Essentials)
- Tuesday, 15 November - Ellis Brigham Milton Keynes (In depth)
- Wednesday, 16 November – Ellis Brigham Manchester (Essentials)
- Thursday, 17 November – Ellis Brigham Manchester (In depth)
- Friday, 18 November – Kendal (Essentials)
- Saturday, 19 November – Kendal
- Sunday, 20 November – Kendal
- Monday, 21 November – Ellis Brigham Braehead (Essentials)
- Tuesday, 22 November – Ellis Brigham Braehead (In depth)
- Wednesday, 23 November – Ellis Brigham Tamworth (Essentials)
- Thursday, 24 November – Ellis Brigham Tamworth (In depth)
- Wednesday, 30 November – Ellis Brigham Bristol (Essentials)
Avalanche Transceiver Training sessions:
- Saturday, 12 November – Sandbanks
- Sunday, 13 November – Sandbanks
- Saturday, 19 November – Manchester
- Sunday, 20 November – Manchester
- Saturday, 26 November – Wimbledon Common
- Sunday, 27 November – Wimbledon Common
- Sunday, 18 December – Wimbledon
- Saturday, 7 January – Sandbanks
- Sunday, 8 January – Wimbledon Common
- Saturday, 18 February – Wimbledon Common
- Sunday, 19 February – Wimbledon Common
Henry comments on what the talks are about:
“Our Essentials talks go into the fundamental aspects of how to make decisions and reduce risks in the backcountry. These skills are crucial to risk management and helping to make off-piste skiing as safe as driving to the resort itself, if applied. If not applied, off-piste skiing and touring has been shown to be very dangerous. The In-Depth talks look at how, why and where avalanches are triggered and how you can use that understanding to help manage risk.
The vital overriding question Henry answers in both talks is “Why don’t people apply what they have learned in training?” It’s the reinforcement of applying this understanding, and how to deal with the impulsive action human factors ‘traps’ causing most accidents, that is key.
About HAT
Safety is Freedom
Henry’s Avalanche Talk (HAT) provides training and essential information for skiers who want to go off-piste, but are held back by fear of the unknown and leaving things to fate. HAT is known for helping ordinary skiers have an extraordinary experience off-piste and ski touring.
HAT has been helping to educate off-piste skiers and snowboarders for over 30 years and has grown into a team of off-piste professionals. Talks and courses have been delivered to tens of thousands of people, presented at international snow science conferences and published many papers and articles, often in the British press.
Training is available in the UK, Val d’Isère and online.