Global Players Meet At INTERALPIN 2023

From April 19th to 21st, 2023, the 24th INTERALPIN takes place in Innsbruck as the leading trade fair for alpine technologies and will increasingly focus on the topic of sustainability. The world's leading trade fair has global appeal, is the business anchor point in the financial year and at the same time an impressive showcase for the industry. The anticipation is immense: The world market leaders will present their innovations and novelties to the international decision-makers at the 24th INTERALPIN.
Innsbruck, April 14, 2023. The cable car and alpine technology industry is characterized by progress, change and vision. The world novelties and innovations of the exhibiting companies are eagerly awaited. "The figures show how much the industry is looking forward to INTERALPIN as a central industry platform and how much it needs it," emphasizes Director Christian Mayerhofer, Managing Director of Congress Messe Innsbruck as the organizer of INTERALPIN and adds: "Fortunately, INTERALPIN 2023 is even larger than the last edition in 2019. It is important for the around 650 suppliers that the key international decision-makers can meet at INTERALPIN, conclude deals directly and talk about specific investments and future-oriented projects.” Mario Gerber, Tyrol's Provincial Councilor for Tourism and Economy emphasizes: "I'm extremely pleased that the Sportland Tirol is once again hosting the INTERALPIN.
As an internationally known and popular holiday destination, the alpine country in the heart of Europe attracts millions of guests year after year. It is partly thanks to the world's leading trade fair for alpine technologies, which brings together key decision-makers from numerous nations at the Innsbruck Exhibition Centre, that innovative technologies and new products and services in this area are being carried out from Tyrol into the world".
Sustainability and global challenges move the industry
“Due to various global influences, the topic of sustainability has experienced enormous dynamism in recent years. The cable car and alpine technology industry has already set standards in this area in recent years: It is about economic and social factors as well as climate and environmental protection. This year, special attention is paid to sustainability and the associated solutions in the alpine area. INTERALPIN will once again live up to its status as the world's leading trade fair and trade visitors can look forward to completely new technologies and approaches," says INTERALPIN project manager Stefan Kleinlercher from the Congress Messe Innsbruck.
Christoph Walser, President of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce, adds: "Tyrol is the perfect host for this trade fair and convinces with entrepreneurial power from its own ranks. When it comes to Alpine technologies in particular, local companies are also a heavyweight from an international perspective. The cable car industry has been investing massively in energy savings for years and has been able to reduce its consumption by 20 percent in the last ten years. New technologies are constantly being used, especially for snowmaking, with which energy efficiency can be increased by up to 200 percent.” T
he chairman of the Austrian Cable Car Association, NR Franz Hörl, explains: “The INTERALPIN is a reflection of the immense efforts in our alpine Regions to create a modern, safe and sustainable range of winter sports. The expansion of energy-saving systems, the almost complete renunciation of fossil fuels and the intensive efforts to reduce CO2 emissions make us a leading industry that keeps setting new standards in terms of sustainable, environmentally friendly thinking. With all these efforts, however, we do not want to forget that it is still a matter of putting this modern technology at the service of the joy, relaxation and exercise of millions of people. In this regard, the exhibitors are once again showing the highest level of competence and are setting new standards in terms of comfort, safety and digital innovation.” With all these efforts, however, we do not want to forget that it is still a matter of putting this modern technology at the service of the joy, relaxation and exercise of millions of people. In this regard, the exhibitors are once again showing the highest level of competence and are setting new standards in terms of comfort, safety and digital innovation.” With all these efforts, however, we do not want to forget that it is still a matter of putting this modern technology at the service of the joy, relaxation and exercise of millions of people. In this regard, the exhibitors are once again showing the highest level of competence and are setting new standards in terms of comfort, safety and digital innovation.”
Theme leadership with the INTERALPIN INSPIRATION DAYS
The topics that move the industry are also reflected in the sessions of the 2nd INTERALPIN INSPIRATION DAYS on the second and third day of the fair. The focus is on top-class key notes and lectures on the topics of "Future and outlook of tourism", "Marketing & data", "Sustainability in alpine tourism" and "Innovation & staging on the mountain". The opening speaker will be Eduardo Santander, Executive Director of the European Travel Commission from Brussels, confirms coordinator Bruno Walter from PRÁTTO Consulting: “The INSPIRATION DAYS 2023 will bring concentrated knowledge from Europe’s leading experts to Innsbruck. In four sessions with 15 speakers, this knowledge will be passed on to the decision-makers in the target groups in a compact form.”
Industry meeting place for international politicians, associations and organizations
As a partner of INTERALPIN, the Austrian Cable Car Association invites you to the Austrian Cable Car Conference on April 19, 2023 as part of the trade fair. Other events complement INTERALPIN, such as the General Assembly and the seminar of the International Organization for Cable Cars (OITAF) or the meeting of the International Federation of National Associations of Cable Car Companies (FIANET).
With the "INTERALPIN B2B cooperation platform", the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce support INTERALPIN the day before - and also during the trade fair with match-making for international suppliers and buyers as well as with excursions to manufacturing companies and ski areas. Business delegations are notified from China, Canada, Japan, Azerbaijan and Morocco, among others. For example, the Minister of Transport from India will travel to INTERALPIN as the head of a business delegation. On the first evening of the fair, the Austrian Ski Association (ÖSV), together with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Congress Messe Innsbruck, invite more than 700 guests from industry, business, science and politics to the Snow Crystal Gala, during which the top-class "Snow Crystal of Skiing" for the Lifetime work is awarded to a prominent personality.
The unbroken radiance of a world-leading trade fair
Suppliers and trade visitors from over 100 nations are expected at the INTERALPIN. Many combine a visit to the trade fair with a tour of company locations and ski areas. "The INTERALPIN has immense appeal: Innsbruck is flagged, many hotels and restaurants in Innsbruck and the surrounding area will be fully booked," says project manager Stefan Kleinlercher happily. "The INTERALPIN 2023 sends a strong and positive signal more than ever."