Forest Service Seeks Public Comments On Snowy Range Ski Area Upgrades

The USDA Forest Service is seeking public comments on the Snowy Range Ski Area Upgrades and Maintenance Project. The purpose of the project is to improve available recreation opportunities for visitors at the ski area by installing facilities, upgrading equipment, and improving snow coverage.
Snowy Range Ski Area is in the Snowy Range, five miles west of Centennial, Wyo., and is an authorized permittee of the Medicine Bow National Forest. Snowy Range is located about five miles from the town of Centennial in Medicine Bow National Forest. At 32 miles away, it is the closest ski area to Laramie, home of the University of Wyoming.
The addition of a yurt and vault toilet at base of Sundance Lift is being proposed, as well as the regrading of Warpath and Lower Centennial/Magic Carpet area. A second parking lot in the Carbon Power and Light corridor is being considered, as well as a bridge connecting the secondary parking lot to the main lot. Finally, new snowmaking is being proposed, which would augment natural snow when needed and allow more intermediate trails to stay open. Hazardous trees would be cleared as necessary.
A decision is expected to be signed in Fall 2020, making implementation possible to begin early in 2021
How to Comment: The Forest Service is combining the scoping period and comment period. The public is encouraged to provide specific written comments on this proposal, including supporting reasons for the responsible official to consider, as no additional ‘opportunity to comment’ periods will occur. Written comments will be accepted for 30 calendar days following the publication of a legal notice in the Laramie Boomerang. The publication date in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period
- Mail to Russell Bacon, Forest Supervisor c/o Erica Dickerman, Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland, 2468 Jackson Street, Laramie, WY 82070.
- Project Page:
- Electronic Comments:
- Additional information regarding this action can be obtained from Erica Dickerman at or by phone at 970-870-2185.