Forest Service Accepts New Master Development Plan For Aspen Mountain
The White River National Forest announces the acceptance of the new Aspen Mountain Master Development Plan (MDP). The Master Development Plan is a conceptual and forward-thinking document that outlines Aspen Mountain’s vision for future development and improvements. The document serves as a blueprint that will help Aspen Mountain continue to be a premier mountain resort while maintaining its unique character.
“This Master Development Plan and the improvements it proposes, like the Pandora’s terrain development and snowmaking extension, will help realize Aspen Mountain’s full potential as a world-class ski resort. The work here represents years’ worth of effort both on the part of Aspen Skiing Company and Forest Service staff to find a win-win vision for resort guests and locals alike,” said Scott Fitzwilliams, Forest Supervisor. “We’re excited to further refine some of these conceptual ideas and get public input on detailed proposals.”
Master Development Plans are a required component of the Forest Service ski area permit. A dynamic, comprehensive plan that provides the long-range conceptual framework for development, an MDP serves as a planning tool for determining the general location, nature, scope and timing of development of facilities and improvements.
Acceptance of the MDP by the Forest Service does not constitute approval of the improvements contained in the plan. All projects contained within an MDP still need to be approved after undergoing a comprehensive environmental analyses in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The White River National Forest encourages the public to comment on projects as they are proposed and undergo environmental review.
The Aspen Skiing Company worked closely with White River National Forest staff as they developed the Aspen Mountain MDP to ensure it meets Forest Plan direction. Several new projects have been outlined in the MDP, including the Pandora project, new snowmaking infrastructure, lift replacements, glading projects, and communication infrastructure upgrades. Additionally, the MDP outlines various summer amenities like new biking and hiking trails and a ropes challenge course.
The last MDP for Aspen Mountain was accepted in 1997.
The Aspen Mountain MDP can be found at