For The Second Time, Vitalpin Awards A Prize For Sustainable Projects In The Alpine Region

Together with ClimatePartner, Vitalpin initiated "Vitalpin KlimaInvestment" last year: a promotional award for climate protection and sustainability in the Alpine region. This year's focus is energy: Tourism projects that contribute to increasing the efficiency of energy use, invest in technical energy saving measures or use renewable energies can be submitted. The funding amount is around 65,000 euros.
From the alpine economy for the alpine economy: The Vitalpin KlimaInvestment collects funds through voluntary premium payments from companies and thus supports the implementation of projects that contribute to protecting the climate. An international jury of experts chaired by former EU Commissioner Dr. Franz Fischler, evaluates the submitted projects and decides on the awarding of the prizes based on an evaluation catalogue. "Following the successful implementation last year, I am happy to be part of the jury for the Climate Investment Promotion Prize again this year. The award-winning projects have shown that many companies have understood how sustainability can be made successful,” says Fischler.
While the projects submitted and the criteria to be met were still very diverse in 2021, this year initiatives will be brought to the fore that use targeted measures to save energy, contribute to increasing energy efficiency, use renewable energy sources or combine these elements.
The Alps and tourism are closely linked and tourism is the livelihood of many Alpine residents. It drives the economy and is responsible for most of the infrastructure, from which the local population also benefits. Roderich Urschler, chairman of Vitalpin, explains: "Since intact nature is the prerequisite for a healthy life and sustainable tourism, it is up to all of us to protect it. The idea for our climate investment came from this conviction. Sarah Twardella, project manager of Vitalpin, adds: "I am very pleased that we are going into the second round this year and am looking forward to the innovative projects that make their contribution to climate and resource protection".
“Again this year, numerous well-known companies paid into the funding pot. This shows us that with the climate investment we have created something that many companies have wanted for a long time: to make a contribution to making the Alpine region climate-friendly and future-proof. With Vitalpin's climate investment, this has been possible since last year," says Jakob Sterlich, Managing Director of ClimatePartner Austria.
Interdisciplinary and top-class jury
The submissions will be judged by a competent jury chaired by Dr. Franz Fischler evaluated.
The jury consists of a top-class panel of experts from the field of energy - Prof. Karl Rose, Supervisory Board of OMV & Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Energie Steiermark, Dr. Ulrike Baumgartner-Gabitzer, former CEO of Austrian Power Grid AG, Prof. Dr. Konrad Bergmeister, BOKU Vienna and Dr. Willie Stiehler, head of the Energy Agency Ebersberg-Munich - and international sustainability experts Mag. Karin Huber-Heim, Circular Economy Forum, Mag. Alice Schmidt, POW Science Alliance and Prof. Dr. Christian Baumgartner, CIPRA International & University of Applied Sciences Graubünden and Mag. Roderich Urschler, Chairman Vitalpin.
Energy as a central field of action
Jury member Prof. Karl Rose, member of the OMV Supervisory Board and President of the Supervisory Board of Energie Steiermark AG, explains why the focus this year is on the topic of energy: Hand. The topic of energy with savings and efficiency measures also plays a decisive role in efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. It therefore makes a lot of sense to give special support to lighthouse projects in this area and also to offer them a stage so that as many people as possible can learn about the opportunities that are available.”
Vitalpin is a non-profit, non-profit, non-political and international organization with members throughout the German-speaking Alps. The umbrella organization unites a million people and companies in the Alps who live from and with tourism and are dependent on functioning tourism. Vitalpin builds bridges to a future in which people, business and nature are in balance. Vitalpin represents interests, creates clarity on controversial issues and raises awareness of the importance of tourism in the Alps.
ClimatePartner is a solution provider in climate protection for companies and supports customers in calculating, reducing and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. ClimatePartner was founded in Munich in 2006 and has more than 700 employees and over 6,000 customers in 35 countries.
Applications can now be submitted at .
The application period ends on March 31, 2023.