FIS VP Janez Kocijancic Elected Permanent President Of European Olympic Committees
FIS Vice President Janez Kocijancic was elected unanimously as President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) for the period 2017-2021 at the 46th EOC General Assembly in Zagreb (CRO) last week.
Kocijancic, who has led the EOC as Acting President for the past 15 months, was elected by acclamation of the General Assembly of the 50 European National Olympic Committees.
In his speech, Kocijancic highlighted that during his presidency EOC will fight for a more important role of the European Games, more independence and autonomy for European sports, and financial strength, using its own EOC marketing strategy.
He said of his election: “I am honoured to be elected to lead the European Olympic Committees for the next four years. The EOC have the opportunity to achieve great things in the near future, and I will work hard with the newly elected Executive Committee to ensure the EOC reaches its potential. The election of the new Executive Committee marks a great opportunity to reflect on the successes of the past four years, but also gives us the chance to look at how our past successes can help us continue to improve in the future. The second edition of the European Games in Minsk in 2019 will be a very important event for the EOC and I am confident that it will be a demonstration of the amazing things that can be achieved in European sport.”