FIS & FIPS - Successful Test Of Junior Ski Patrol Concept

In 2019, FIS and the International Federation of Ski Patrollers (FIPS) teamed up to enhance snow sports safety amongst youth around the world. To achieve this goal, a kids snow safety course was developed and now successfully tested.
The course, known as the “Junior Ski Patrol”, merges key mountain safety fundamentals such as avalanche safety, CPR and first aid with fun. The test course was carried out in Piancavallo Ski Resort with the assistance of the local ski patrol team.
To ensure inclusivity, children with special needs were invited to participate. The engagement of this group was particularly successful.. “We are really happy with the results of the tests. Kids have a different way of learning to adults. It is imperative that we keep it fun and light while still being informative. This way the children understand easier and remember for longer” said course developer Luca Sardelli.
The next step after the test is to make the course accessible for patrol teams around the world. To do this FIS will be working with FIPS to create a SnowKidz Cookbook dedicated to the safety course. Moreover physical items will be developed which can then be obtained by patrol teams to make implementation of the course easier.
FIS would like to thank the ski patrol team and the ski resort of Pinacavallo, Scuola Sci Piancavallo and Scuola sci Aviano-Piancavallo for their assistance in the tests.
Stay tuned for all the information on SnowKidz by visiting
For more information on FIPS visit