Eastern Swiss Cable Car Association: “OSVS Training Association For Cable Car Apprentices” Concept Presented

Roger Walser, President and Managing Director of the Eastern Swiss Association of Cable Car Companies (OSVS), recently presented the interesting project “OSVS Training Association for Cable Car Apprentices” to the cable car associations of Graubünden and Valais. This project is a first in Switzerland and serves as a model and has great potential.

In the "OSVS Training Association for Cable Car Apprentices", there is closer cooperation between companies in the training of apprentices in order to ensure the long-term availability of young professionals within the regional association and to increase the number of apprentices. At the same time, this can improve the attractiveness and quality of training in technical cable car professions.

The "OSVS Training Association for Cable Car Apprentices" will start the new training year in August 2024. 13 OSVS member companies and two industrial partners are available to provide coordinated training for the apprentices. The joint coordination office, Bartholet Maschinenbau AG, guarantees smooth organization and the best possible exchange of information and quality control. In addition, there is ongoing coordination with the training activities of the Swiss Cable Car Association (SBS).

With the “OSVS Training Association for Cable Car Apprentices”, the Eastern Swiss Association of Cable Car Companies aims to double the number of apprentices from today’s 12 to 24 young people across all apprenticeship years within four years.


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