Doppelmayr Group Reports Growth In Revenues

Doppelmayr Holding SE closes its 2022/23 business year with revenues up by 6.7%. A good order book position brought the international group based in Wolfurt/Vorarlberg (Austria) annual sales revenues of 946 million euros. The year was dominated by technical innovations in the ropeway sector, digital development and an exceptional market situation in North America. In addition, the Doppelmayr Group was able to increase global headcount and expand its expertise.
With annual sales revenues of 946 million euros, Doppelmayr Holding SE posted year-on-year growth of 6.7% in the 2022/23 business year. One reason for this development was the high volume of orders in North America. This marks the first time in the Group’s history that its domestic alpine market has been ousted from pole position as the most lucrative market. In the year under review, the North American market accounted for 28% of revenues, overtaking Austria – up to now always the strongest individual market – which achieved 12%. The 2022/23 winter season saw the completion of 30 Doppelmayr ropeways in North America.
Headcount development
“Our excellent employees and the development of our internal know-how provide the foundation for the Doppelmayr Group’s success,” says Gerhard Gassner. The continuous expansion of skilled personnel across all areas gave rise to an average increase in headcount (FTEs) of 5.7% in the 2022/23 business year. With the acquisition of the ropeway carrier manufacturer carvatech Karosserie & Kabinenbau GmbH based in Upper Austria, the Doppelmayr Group consolidated its expertise in the carrier sector for international ropeway projects. Digitalization and IT is another field where the company is developing crucial in-house competencies. New digital products and service offers, such as the clair resort management software, mean exciting job prospects in the digital sector and visionary possibilities for the Doppelmayr teams. Worldwide, the Doppelmayr Group employs 3,335 people.
Innovation capability
Doppelmayr showcased a large number of new developments at the Interalpin show in Innsbruck in April 2023. These included the TRI-Line, the most innovative 3S technology on the market, which combines the advantages of the tricable systems with the benefits of the D-Line ropeway generation. This enables Doppelmayr engineers to create new options for ropeway customers requiring a wind-stable system with a high transport capacity and small environmental footprint for their resort. Another new development in the area of continuous-movement monocable ropeways is the 20-MGD D-Line, which, for urban applications in particular, offers high performance and cost effectiveness. Both new ropeway systems break previous capacity records.
Equipped with the new 20-passenger cabin STELLA from CWA, they carry up to 8,000 passengers per hour and direction. Arno Inauen explains how new products are created in the Doppelmayr Group: “Our innovations are always focused on value added. Our understanding of what passengers, ropeway personnel or customers need provides the basis for technical development.”
New developments in the digital world
clair is a resort management software that assists customers with the running of their ski areas. As well as developing further modules in the 2022/23 business year, a strong effort was invested in integrating the data of other infrastructure manufacturers and interfaces to additional partners. Incorporating this data on our platform maximizes customer benefit. Intralogistics is another area where software is a key element defining the future viability of products. Digital real-time simulations of actual intralogistics projects prior to start-up as well as the permanent digital monitoring and logging of warehouse systems on the customer’s premises are the latest 1 Stated in average FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents) development fields at LTW Intralogistics. Michael Köb highlights the importance of digitalization in the Doppelmayr Group: “The new possibilities digitalization has to offer inspire our teams to create new digital products and services for our customers – not only in the ropeway world but also in the area of intralogistics.”
Outlook for the 2023/24 business year
The investment strength of ski area operators in North America remains at a very high level. One example is Big Sky, Montana, where Doppelmayr USA and Garaventa teams are currently building a spectacular new reversible aerial tramway. Customers in the Alps are also investing in new ropeway installations for their guests. These include three AURO gondola lifts, which feature autonomous operation. In the urban sector, Doppelmayr teams are working on visionary ropeway projects such as the Câble C1 urban ropeway in the Paris metropolitan area as well as the Cablebús Línea 3 in Mexico City.
Thomas Pichler sums up as follows: “The Doppelmayr Group’s order position is very gratifying thanks to our courageous customers, who continue to invest in their resorts in challenging times. Farsighted energy and resource management, long-term, trust-based business relationships with customers and suppliers as well as the continuous expansion of new technologies and markets are the best way for us to safeguard our competitiveness for the future.”
2022/23 Business Year (April 1 – March 31)
- Sales revenues 946 million euros (+6.7%)
- Employees worldwide (FTE) 3,335 (+5.7%)
- Employees in AUT (FTE) 1,569 (+5.9%) FTE = Full-Time Equivalent
The Doppelmayr Group represents quality, technology and market leadership in the construction of ropeway systems for passenger and material transport as well as high-tech intralogistics solutions. The company looks back on 130 years of corporate history and a century of experience in the planning, development, design, production, and construction of ropeways. This proven technology and the reliability it provides have made ropeways a popular and high-performance mobility solution in skiing and recreation regions as well as in cities worldwide.