Domaines Skiables De France Congress Set For Reims, October 2 -3, 2024

The annual congress of Domaines Skiables de France, the professional chamber of French ski area operators, will be held in Reims (France), at the Convention Center, on Wednesday October 2 and Thursday October 3. The Domaines Skiables de France Congress is the key annual event for companies, organizations and institutions, all of which have a keen interest in the mountain resort business. Every year, the event brings together some 1,000 people: ski lift and ski area managers from all over France, suppliers and partners to the profession, as well as representatives of French ministries, elected officials and institutions from the world of business and tourism.
The two-day program includes
Three conferences:
Peak use of ski areas: customer experience and safety
- How can we improve the customer experience during peak periods?
- What role does the perception of safety play in the customer's overall assessment of the experience? How have resorts abroad responded to these questions?
What does the future hold for the most fragile resorts?
- At a time when the economic equilibrium and snowmaking of resorts are under pressure, what trajectories are possible for the most threatened resorts?
- What role can Domaines Skiables de France play in innovation and solidarity?
Is it still possible to develop in the mountains?
- Can development projects be made legally secure?
- Are the courts becoming stricter with resort projects? How are other professional sectors adapting?
In addition PitchInno' 2024 in partnership with the Cluster Montagne, gives 8 companies the opportunity to present to delegates, in a short and original 3-minute format, a particular innovation, developed and launched less than three years ago.
Several “Espaces-Rencontres” with suppliers to the industry. Suppliers to the industry, whether or not they are members of DSF, are invited to come to the Congress to present their equipment, products, services and innovations. Every year, an Exhibition-Meeting brings together around a hundred companies, to enable them to meet mountain professionals.
Domaines Skiables de France (DSF) is the trade association for ski area operators. It currently has 412 members, comprising 238 active members (lift and ski area operators), and around 175 corresponding members (suppliers, manufacturers, training centers, prime contractors, etc.). Ski areas are the main source of attraction for mountain resorts. They play a decisive role in the dynamic development of resorts, and determine the economic activity of resorts (shopkeepers, accommodation providers, ski and mountain professionals, etc.). Their activity is essential to maintaining employment and social life in the area. With over a billion euros in annual revenue, 55 million skier-days and 18,000 employees in some twenty different professions, France is one of the world's top 3 ski destinations, alongside the USA and Austria.
Further information on the congress website: