Despite Corona Styrian Lift Co's Have Invested €55mil

The past Corona ski season was an enormous test for the Styrian lift companies: Although the pandemic caused sales to collapse by over 80 percent, the cable cars continued to operate. Despite this difficult starting position, substantial investments were made: a total of 55 million euros flowed into the maintenance and expansion of the facilities for 2021/22.
With strength, serenity and economic foresight, the Styrian cable cars dived through the 2020/21 disaster season. The sales figures in the Corona year were indeed gloomy compared to previous years: After a record of 114.1 million euros in the 2019 season, it was only 21.6 million in the Corona winter - that's a minus of over 80 percent. "Corona was a terrible scenario for us," summed up Fabrice Girardoni, chairman of the Styrian cable cars. “As a means of public transport, we had to keep it open all the time, despite fewer guests and only with a fraction of the turnover.” The fact that the industry survived this blow is thanks to the economic skill that had been used in previous years: “We are looking back to many successful years before Corona, have worked well and invested with foresight. This is the only way we were able to survive the crisis and are well prepared for this season, ”said Girardoni. 
Despite the crisis year, cable cars had to invest 55 million
Comprehensive investments in the expansion of quality, safety and comfort as well as in the construction of new cable car systems were necessary even in the crisis situation: a total of 55 million euros flowed into the maintenance and construction of cable car systems and infrastructure. "The economic planning runs over many years, Corona or not - our industry had to go through it somehow," Girardoni describes the tenacity and determination of the companies. 40 million euros went to the Kreischberg ski area alone. "These investments secure the future of the Styrian ski areas, make them crisis-proof and ensure jobs and added value in the regions," said Girardoni.
The cable car companies with around 1,300 jobs are just the top of the mountain of added value that they generate: at pre-crisis level that was 371.1 million euros. From accommodation and transport to gastronomy and sports retail, the entire value chain depends on the trip up the mountain. The Styrian cable cars secure a total of 6,740 jobs in the regions. This also means good income for the state coffers: 104.1 million euros in sales tax alone were paid before the crisis. 
With a value added factor of 7.4, the Styrian cable cars are proving to be a strong economic engine in the regions. Girardoni: "That means that for every 1,000 euros in wages, salaries and profits, 7,400 euros in added value are created by other businesses in the region." Percent on lift tickets and 16 percent on gastronomy. 
The cable car companies are looking ahead to the coming winter with confidence. "We welcome the fact that, according to the plans announced, there will be no more capacity restrictions in the cable cars in the coming season," said Girardoni. Last year only a maximum occupancy of 50 percent was allowed. When it comes to corona security, the industry representative says that the company is well positioned: The experience of last season has shown that the Styrian cable cars can guarantee the safety of guests - there was not a single corona cluster in the ski areas. His appeal applies the policy now: "We need concrete announcements on planned measures and rapid regulation, so that our businesses have planning security."

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