Demaclenko Ready For FIS Alpine Ski World Cup In Val Gardena

The World Cup races in Val Gardena have been among the best known highlights on the Alpine ski circuit for over 50 years now. Every year, countless athletes from far and wide take on the daredevil ride along the Saslong, greeted at the finish by enthusiastic spectators.
To enable the event to take place successfully and reliably every year, numerous measures are implemented behind the scenes in advance to ensure that conditions are perfect during the racing weekend. Key to this, along with many very different components is most notably a snowmaking system of the latest generation which allows the operator to ensure that the required snow is available ahead of the event.
“It is only the constant investment of the lift company that increases the reliability of snow conditions on Saslong every year, guaranteeing that we can hold our Ski World Cup races in Val Gardena properly”, confirms Rainer Senoner, President of the Val Gardena-Gröden Organizing Committee, paying tribute to the excellent partnership with DEMACLENKO.
After several project stages in recent years, in the past two years Demaclenko has focused on building a new pumping station with a Cooling System and equipping the race course with the latest generation of snow guns. Together with the local project managers, the Demaclenko team chose the Titan 2.0, equipped with special branding for the event. The most powerful snow gun on the market impresses with increased throwing range and high snowmaking capacity, producing no less than 105 m³/h of snow with a maximum water flow rate of 11 l/s. TITAN 2.0 users are particularly pleased with its excellent quality, snow quantity and energy efficiency. At the same time, the blade was moved further inside, reducing noise emissions.
The powerful pump system tailored for customer requirements guarantees highly efficient snowmaking, which permits timely snow production.
The pumping station, completed last year at the “Ciaslat” near the Camel Humps, has an overall capacity of 1 MW with a delivery rate of 225 l/s, and can be extended to twice the capacity by further expansion. The current project section for 2017 includes laying approx. 1.5 km of cast pipes and cables, which will ensure optimal supply of the snow guns on the new “Bruno” slope, together with over 20 new pits.
Even though Demaclenko has counted the ski resort operators on Saslong among its customers for many years, being an “official partner” and sponsor is special every year, as it gives us as a company the opportunity to present the various project sections to important customers. The VIP area at the Camel Humps, with exclusive Demaclenko branding, also gives us optimal visibility during the races.
"The fact that racing has only been cancelled once in the past 17 years, i.e. ever since Demaclenko systems have been installed on the Saslong, shows that we are in good hands. We owe the lift company a great debt of gratitude, and are delighted with this profitable and enduring partnership. The additional investments which are earmarked for the production of snow on the Saslong will give us even greater motivation and guarantees for the future," Senoner went on to say.
Besides the many new attractions, the anniversary show, which is being organized to celebrate 50 years of the Ski World Cup in Val Gardena, will definitely be another highlight of this year’s race weekend. For Demaclenko, the new Ventus 4.0 will play the starring role. It was developed in cooperation with internationally renowned design studio Pininfarina.
Demaclenko is looking forward to an exciting 50th edition in a breathtaking landscape and a great atmosphere. They can't wait for the thrills and spills, uncompromising battles and sporting highlights on the snow of the future.