CWSAA Announces 2021 Award Winners

The CWSAA Board of Directors has selected and congratulates three award recipients this year. During April 27 & April 29 virtual conference Awards & Industry Showcase events, the 2021 recipients were announced and recognized through special video presentations. The recipients of the 2021 CWSAA Awards are:
- 2021 Lars Fossberg Excellence Award – Sam Oettli
- 2021 Jim Marshall Leadership Award – Bob Bell
- 2021 Jimmie Spencer Lifetime Achievement Award – Bill Dunlop
See below for recipient biographies. CWSAA would like to thank all the contributors who put forward the nominations and helped prepare the presentations.
2021 go2HR Young Safety Mogul
go2HR and CWSAA also recognized a rising star of safety in the ski industry during the Risk & Safety update on April 27. The 2021 go2HR Young Safety Mogul Award was presented to Adrien Grabinski of Shames Mountain. Congratulations to Adrien for your dedication to a safe workplace – we also hear, Adrien is one heck of a fantastic skier!
Sam Oettli 2021 Lars Fossberg Excellence Recipient
Sam is the General Manager at Mt Sima. He has worked at Mt. Sima since the fall of 2000 in the roles of volunteer ski patrol, pro patrol, pro patrol leader, groomer, operations manager and now general manager.
Bob Bell 2021 Jim Marshall Leadership Award
Bob Bell has a significant history with the ski industry, starting at Marmot Basin in 1968. Along the way he spent nearly 30 years with the BC Safety Authority (now Technical Safety BC), and several years with Gougeon insurance. He came out of retirement several times, and spent some more time at Marmot Basin and now manages the Lift courses for Selkirk College.
Bill Dunlop 2021 Jimmie Spencer Lifetime Achievement Award
Bill Dunlop grew up in Saskatchewan. He began his career in insurance at the age of 17. Bill was the pioneer for the ski industry insurance program.
In 1968 Bill began his ski industry risk management career with Paskapoo (now Winsport). 1998 along with Neil Pearce set up a Lloyds of London insurance binder, which was the beginning of the ski industry insurance program. Today, Bill is still very active with the industry as a Consultant with Gougeon Insurance.