CSCUSA Says Hi To Skiing Friends

Colorado Ski Country USA has sent a message to its skiing friends around the world. They say:
'Colorado Ski Country USA hopes this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Like all of you, we are social distancing, working from home and doing our best to stay positive while our healthcare, grocery, delivery and other essential personnel are on the front lines of the COVID-19 response. The outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted our industry, our lives, our families, our friends, our local communities and the global ski and snowboard community. We want to provide you with an update from our team and some uplifting stories and information during this time of quarantine and social distancing.
'You may not know what we do here at Colorado Ski Country. We represent 23 ski areas across Colorado focused primarily on marketing, public policy and public relations as the global voice of our member ski areas. We are a small, not-for-profit organization with eight full-time staff members that is continuing to support the ski industry in this time of uncertainty. We are grateful for your support and enjoy providing you with products, content and information to make every season a great season at your favorite Colorado ski area.
'While our ski season this year will be shorter than any of us wanted it to be, the ski industry is a glass-half-full industry and we are looking forward to sharing more chairlift rides with all of you in the future and seasons to come! While we all embrace this unprecedented time of solitude, we hope that you can reflect on your ski and ride memories from this and prior seasons and look forward to the memories to come.
'We hope you enjoy the stories below. You can find more information and content on our blog, instagram, facebook and twitter pages.
'We would love to hear from you about your season and what ski or snowboard related things you are doing these days (in your homes or practicing safe, social distancing outside) using #AMountainForEveryone in your posts or in comments on our social pages.
'See you on the slopes,
'The Colorado Ski Country USA Team
'EXTRA: Here are 3 stories to occupy some of your time while you're at home.