Cranmore Welcomes New Faces to Year-Round Team, Glenn Harmon Promoted To VP Of Operations

Cranmore Mountain Resort is excited to announce new staffing additions and promotions to their full-time year-round team.
Longtime employee, Glenn Harmon, has recently been promoted to Vice President of Operations for Cranmore Mountain Resort.
Growing up in Conway, NH, Harmon began his career at Cranmore in 2004 as Food and Beverage Director. He moved over to Base Area Operations Director in 2006 before being promoted to Director of Operations in 2010. Prior to working at Cranmore, Harmon served as an Area Director for Applebee’s for almost 15 years, opening the North Conway restaurant.
“Glenn originally joined Cranmore as Food and Beverage Director in 2004 and he has seen several promotions as the resort has grown over the years,” commented Cranmore President & GM Ben Wilcox. “Adding to his scope as Mountain Operations Director, Glenn has and continues to be instrumental in Cranmore’s resort development projects. His experience, confidence, and style as a leader at the resort are well respected by our team and I am pleased to promote Glenn to Vice President of Operations at Cranmore.”
Brand new to the resort is Sara Butterfield, Executive Assistant. Originally from Deerfield, NH, Butterfield is no stranger to the ski industry, having worked at Whitefish Mountain Resort in Montana, as well as serving as a ski instructor, raft guide and zip line guide in different vacation destinations across the country. Butterfield comes to the resort from Northern Human Services in North Conway. She holds a degree in Business Administration.
Mary Ann Sanguinet is Cranmore’s new Accounting & Payroll Specialist. Sanguinet is a veteran of the resort, having worked in the Snowsports department for several seasons. Upon moving to the area 13 years ago, Sanguinet learned to ski and fell in love with the White Mountains. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from UMASS Dartmouth.
Meghan Kelsey will be stepping in as the new Assistant Snowsport Director, a brand-new position at Cranmore. Kelsey comes from Aspen Snowmass and has taught skiing at a number of resorts on the East Coast as well as in Colorado and Perisher Resort in Australia. Kelsey holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science from Hartwick College and a Master’s in Teaching from the University of Vermont.
Long time Cranmore ski patroller Alan Tate was recently promoted to Ski Patrol Director over the summer. An active member of the Cranmore Ski Patrol since 1999, Tate brings with him over 30 years of experience, most recently acting as Cranmore’s Lead Patroller for the past four years. More recently, he served as the Echo Lake & Cathedral Ledge State Park Manager.
Cranmore’s Facilities Manager, and longtime Cranmore employee Mark Gorveatt, was also recently promoted to Properties & Facilities Manager.