Cranmore Mountain Meisters Donate To Local High School

On Tuesday, January 31st, Cranmore Mountain Meister Super Visor, Kevin Hamlin, presented Kennett High School Seniors, Ashley Garside and Morgan Carr, with a check for $500 in funds raised during the first two weeks of the Mountain Meister Pay2Play Program to benefit Project Graduation.
During the Mountain Meister Race league, each week racers take 2 runs through the course. The Pay2Play program allows racers to take an additional run through the racecourse for a $5 donation to a pre-determined non-profit. Last winter, Cranmore has averaged $5,000 annually in donations since the program started during the 2018 season.
Project Graduation is a drug and alcohol-free celebration held on graduation night, and typically includes games, activities, food, entertainment & music to name a few things. This is a parent-supervised event and nearly 100% of the graduating class attends this inclusive tradition each year.
In addition to Project Graduation, this year’s Pay2Play recipients include End 68 Hours of Hunger, Starting Point, Vaughan Community Services, and Jen’s Friends Cancer Foundation.
The 10-week Mountain Meister series hosts approximately 20+ teams and over 300 racers throughout the season. Mountain Meisters is open to skiers, snowboarders, and telemark skiers of all ability levels, ages 21 and up.